Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED469926 Dramatic Activities in Language Arts Classrooms Resource Summary / 1
ED469927 Recent Reading Initiatives Examples of National, State, and Professional Organizations' Efforts / 1
ED469928 Online Resources for Teaching Shakespeare 1
ED469929 Character Education through Children's Literature 1
ED469930 Adolescent Literacy and Content Area Reading 1
ED469931 Validation of Competences and Professionalisation of Teachers and Trainers = Validation des Acquis et Professionnalisation des Enseignants et Formateurs. CEDEFOP Dossier Series 1
ED469932 Louisiana's Blueprint for Investing in Youth 1
ED469933 Child Labor Labor Can Strengthen Its Efforts To Protect Children Who Work. Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate. 1
ED469934 Distance Education Growth in Distance Education Programs and Implications for Federal Education Policy. Testimony before the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. Senate. Statement of Cornelia M. Ashby, Director, Education, Workforce, and Income Security Issues. 1
ED469935 Women Prisoners A Survey of Their Work and Training Experiences in Custody and On Release. Home Office Research Study / 1
ED469938 Does Health Insurance Improve Children's Lives? A Study of New Jersey's FamilyCare Program / 1
ED469939 The Remaking of America and Immigrants Old and New / 1
ED469940 The Benedum Collaborative Model of Teacher Education A Preliminary Evaluation. Documented Briefing / 1
ED469941 Experimentations with Critical Race Theory and Teacher Education Students 1
ED469942 The Use of Skinnerian Teaching Machines and Programmed Instruction in the United States, 1960-1970 1
ED469943 It's the Way We Think and Do Energizing and Focusing Teaching through Connection of Educational Philosophy and Practice / 1
ED469944 Isolation Is the Enemy of Improvement Instructional Leadership To Support Standards-Based Practice / 1
ED469947 One Preservice Teacher's Experiences Teaching Literacy to Regular and Special Education Students 1
ED469948 The Impact of Accountability on the Professional Development of Teachers Preliminary Evidence from Case Studies in Six Southern States / 1
ED469949 Leading a Lay Faculty into the Twenty-First Century Understanding Teachers' Perceptions of Why They Teach in Catholic Secondary Schools / 1