Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED5/90.2/G91/INTERNET Colorado growth model district & school reports 1
ED5/90.2/M28/1990 Do we make the grade? : a look at Colorado Department of Education's first series of opinion polls (1985-1989) / 1
ED5/90.2/M56/1985 [Memorandum, research methodology and sample composition of youth opinion poll] / 1
ED5/90.2/OF2/1978 The CDE office environment study / 1
ED5/90.2/P91/1986 Controls on teaching without adequate subject area preparation in Colorado schools : issue paper / 1
ED5/90.2/P91/2011/INTERNET Predicting 11th grade Colorado ACT performance using 9th and 10th grade CSAP results / 1
ED5/90.2/P93/1976 CDE activities related to State Board adopted priorities. 1
ED5/90.2/P94/1986 The Profession's perspective on education : 1986 opinion surveys. 1
ED5/90.2/P96/1985 Colorado looks at its schools : final report of the Colorado Public Opinion Poll on Education / 1
ED5/90.2/P96/1985/2 Pupil/staff ratios and teacher salaries for Colorado school districts / 1
ED5/90.2/R29/1977 CDE end-of-year report, 1976-1977 / 1
ED5/90.2/R31/1985 Anticipated teacher retirements : assessment paper / 1
ED5/90.2/SC2/1989 Playing the scheduling game : strategies to beat the squeeze / 1
ED5/90.2/SH6/2011/INTERNET Shining a light on college remediation in Colorado the predictive utility of the ACT for Colorado and the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSP) / 1
ED5/90.2/SP3/1978 A study of special education teacher training needs / 1
ED5/90.2/SCH6/1984 Colorado looks at its schools. 1
ED5/90.2/SCI2/1984 Improving science and mathematics education : costs and effectiveness / 1
ED5/90.2/SCI2/1984/INTERNET Improving science and mathematics education costs and effectiveness / 1
ED5/90.2/SCI2/1984/SUM Improving science and mathematics education : costs and effectiveness : executive summary / 1