Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED541749 Apprentices & Trainees September Quarter, 2012. 1
ED541750 Vocational Education, Indigenous Students and the Choice of Pathways. Research Report 1
ED541751 Barriers and Facilitators Affecting Course Completions by Apprentices and Trainees with Disabilities. Research Report 1
ED541752 Cultural Dimensions of Indigenous Participation in Vocational Education and Training New Perspectives. Research Report / 1
ED541753 Apprentices & Trainees Early Trend Estimates. December Quarter, 2012. 1
ED541754 The Impact of Schools on Young People's Transition to University. Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth. Research Report 61 1
ED541759 Efficiency and Preparation of Rural School Teachers. Bulletin, 1914, No. 49. Whole Number 623 1
ED541760 Statistics of State Universities and State Colleges for the Year Ended June 30, 1914. Bulletin, 1914, No. 50. Whole Number 624 1
ED541761 Cooking in the Vocational School as Training for Home Making. Bulletin, 1915, No. 1. Whole Number 625 1
ED541762 Monthly Record of Current Educational Publications. Bulletin, 1915, No. 2. Whole Number 626 1
ED541763 Monthly Record of Current Educational Publications. Bulletin, 1915, No. 3. Whole Number 627 1
ED541764 The Health of School Children Contributions from American Medical Journals, July, 1913, to July, 1914. Bulletin, 1915, No. 4. Whole Number 628 / 1
ED541765 Education Exhibits at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, California, 1915. Bulletin, 1916, No. 1 / 1
ED541766 Rural and Agricultural Education at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Bulletin, 1916, No. 2 1
ED541767 Higher Education Biennial Survey, 1924-1926. Bulletin, 1927, No. 34 1
ED541768 Achievements in Home-Economics Education. Bulletin, 1927, No. 35 1
ED541769 Preparation of Teachers. Bulletin, 1927, No. 36 1
ED541770 Land-Grant Colleges Year Ended June 30, 1926. Bulletin, 1927, No. 37 1
ED541771 Record of Current Educational Publications. Bulletin, 1927, No. 38 1
ED541772 Statistics of State School Systems, 1925-26. Bulletin, 1927, No. 39. 1