Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED542050 Secondary Education in Norway. Bulletin, 1930, No. 17 1
ED542051 Status of the Junior High School Principal. Bulletin, 1930, No. 18 1
ED542052 Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Portugal An Assessment of the Existing System and Recommendations for a Future System. ENQA Occasional Papers 10. 1
ED542053 Terminology of Quality Assurance: Towards Shared European Values? ENQA Occasional Papers 12 / 1
ED542054 Guidelines for External Reviews of Quality Assurance Agencies in the European Higher Education Area. ENQA Occasional Papers 19 1
ED542055 Report to the London Conference of Ministers on a European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies. ENQA Occasional Papers 13 1
ED542056 Parent-Child Literacy Strategy Progress Report. 1
ED542057 A Learning Alberta Dialogue and Direction. Regional Discussions Summary. 1
ED542058 Quality Procedures in the European Higher Education Area and Beyond Second ENQA Survey. ENQA Occasional Papers 14 / 1
ED542059 A Learning Alberta Fostering Innovation in Alberta. A Discussion Document. 1
ED542060 Advanced Education Business Plan 2005-2008 1
ED542061 Learning Outcomes: Common Framework Different Approaches to Evaluation Learning Outcomes in the Nordic Countries. Joint Nordic Project 2007-2008, by the Nordic Quality Assurance Network for Higher Education (NOQA). ENQA Occasional Papers 15 / 1
ED542062 Foundational Learning and Diversity Sub-Committee Report to the "A Learning Alberta" Steering Committee. 1
ED542063 Reading Framework for the 2013 National Assessment of Educational Progress 1
ED542064 Mathematics Framework for the 2013 National Assessment of Educational Progress 1
ED542065 Mapping the Implementation and Application of the ESG (MAP-ESG Project) Final Report of the Project Steering Group. ENQA Occasional Papers 17 / 1
ED542066 Compare and Contrast Inductive and Deductive Research Approaches 1
ED542067 Quality Procedures in the European Higher Education Area and Beyond Visions for the Future: Third ENQA Survey. ENQA Occasional Papers 18 / 1
ED542068 Quality Convergence Study A Contribution to the Debates on Quality and Convergence in the European Higher Education Area. ENQA Occasional Papers 7 / 1
ED542069 A Learning Alberta Dialogue and Direction. The Forum Background. 1