Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED542247 The Reality of College Readiness, 2012. Mississippi 1
ED542248 Attachment Perspectives on Classroom Relationships Helping Ourselves through Helping Others? / 1
ED542249 A Tale of Two Cultures Building Community by Researching Community / 1
ED542250 A Phenomenological Analysis of the Self-Regulatory Behaviours of a Group of Young Adults in a Vocational Education and Training Business Program 1
ED542251 A Sociocultural Perspective of Learning Developing a New Theoretical Tenet / 1
ED542252 Aspirations of a Leader A Biographical History through a Narrative Lens / 1
ED542253 Associations between the Classroom Learning Environment and Student Engagement in Learning 1 A Rasch Model Approach / 1
ED542254 A Comparison between Elementary School Students' Mental Models and Visualizations in Textbooks for the Concept of Atom 1
ED542255 Alternative Settings--Alternative Teachers? Reflections on Teaching outside the Mainstream / 1
ED542256 Associations between the Classroom Learning Environment and Student Engagement in Learning 2 A Structural Equation Modelling Approach / 1
ED542257 ADHD Perspectives Medicalization and ADHD Connectivity / 1
ED542258 Assessing the Intended Participation of Young Adolescents as Future Citizens Comparing Results from Five East Asian Countries / 1
ED542263 Record of Current Educational Publications, April 1 - June 30, 1931. Bulletin, 1931, No. 16 1
ED542264 Bibliography on Education of the Negro Comprising Publications from January, 1928 to December, 1930. Bulletin, 1931, No. 17 1
ED542265 [Improvement of Rural School Instruction. Bulletin, 1931, No. 18] 1
ED542266 [Circular Letters as a Supervisory Agency. Bulletin, 1931, No. 19] 1
ED542267 Opportunities for the Preparation of Teachers of Exceptional Children. Bulletin, 1931, No. 21 1
ED542268 Record of Current Educational Publications. Bulletin, 1931, No. 22 1
ED542269 National and State Cooperative High School Testing Programs. Bulletin, 1933, No. 9 1
ED542270 The Education of Spanish-Speaking Children in Five Southwestern States. Bulletin, 1933, No. 11 / 1