Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED543491 National Survey of Secondary Education. Bulletin, 1932, No. 17. Monograph No. 27 Intramural and Interscholastic Athletics / 1
ED543492 Student War Loans Program Final Report. Bulletin, 1946, No. 14 / 1
ED543493 Inter-American Understanding and the Preparation of Teachers. Bulletin, 1946, No. 15 1
ED543494 Statistics of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, Year Ended June 30, 1944. Bulletin, 1946, No. 16 1
ED543495 Public Relations for Rural and Village Teachers. Bulletin, 1946, No. 17 1
ED543496 Vocational Education of College Grade. Bulletin, 1946, No. 18. 1
ED543497 Planning and Equipping School Lunchrooms. Bulletin, 1946, No. 19 1
ED543498 A Bibliography of Materials for the Teaching of English to Foreigners. Bulletin, 1946, No. 20 1
ED543499 Statistics of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, Year Ended June 30, 1945. Bulletin, 1947, No. 1 1
ED543500 Education in Ecuador. Bulletin, 1947, No. 2 1
ED543501 Education in El Salvador. Bulletin, 1947, No. 3 1
ED543502 Camping and Outdoor Experiences in the School Program. Bulletin, 1947, No. 4 1
ED543503 Schools for Children under Six A Report on the Status and Need for Nursery Schools and Kindergartens. Bulletin, 1947, No. 5 / 1
ED543504 Education in Nicaragua. Bulletin, 1947, No. 6 1
ED543505 Education in Guatemala. Bulletin, 1947, No. 7 1
ED543506 Schools Count in Country Life. Bulletin, 1947, No. 8 1
ED543507 School and Work Programs A Study of Experience in 136 School Systems. Bulletin, 1947, No. 9 / 1
ED543508 Education in the Dominican Republic. Bulletin, 1947, No. 10 1
ED543509 An Examination of Green School Practices in Atlanta Schools 1
ED543510 Noncognitive Variables and Their Impact on Enrollment of African American Males in Higher Education 1