Call Number (LC) Title Results
EP 1.2:L 96/2 Evaluation of Analube synthetic lubricant. 1
EP 1.2:L ll/5 Federal laboratories and research facilities with noise capabilities. 1
EP 1.2:LOI 5 Waste oil study : authorized by Section 104(m), P.L. 92-500 : report to Congress / 1
EP 1.2:Loi 5 Waste oil study : authorized by Section 104(m), P.L. 92-500 : report to Congress / 1
EP 1.2:M 27 EMF in your environment : magnetic field measurements of everyday electrical devices /
EMF in your environment : magnetic field measurements of everyday electrical devices.
EP 1.2:M 28  
EP 1.2:M 28/2 Managing for results : making a difference in environmental protection. 1
EP 1.2:M 28/3 Restorative maintenance evaluation of high mileage, catalyst-equipped vehicles. 1
EP 1.2:M 28/4 Restorative maintenance retesting of 1977 model year passenger cars in Denver / 1
EP 1.2:M 28/5 Evaluation of restorative maintenance retesting of passenger cars in Detroit / 1
EP 1.2:M 28/6 An evaluation of restorative maintenance on exhaust emissions from 1975/1976 in-use automobiles in California / 1
EP 1.2:M 29 The effects of emission control system malfunctions or maladjustments on exhaust emissions. 1
EP 1.2:M 31/2 Where do we go from here? : the challenge of water quality management for elected officials. 1
EP 1.2:M 31/3 An instructional delivery system for manpower management / 1
EP 1.2:M 31/4 NPDES best management practices guidance document / 1
EP 1.2:M 31/5 Resource recovery management model. 1
EP 1.2:M 31/7 Strategic planning and management system : FY 1985 goals, objectives, commitments and measures. 1
EP 1.2:M 31/8 Best management practices for agricultural nonpoint source control. for the project Rural Nonpoint Source Control Water Quality Evaluation and Technical Assistance (National Water Quality Evaluation Project) 1
EP 1.2:M 31/9 Enhancing management of forests and vegetation on Department of Defense lands opportunities, benefits, and feasibility / 1
EP 1.2:M 31/11 Manual tank gauging for small underground storage tanks 1