Call Number (LC) Title Results
EP 1.23:600/3-78-087 Procedures for quantitative ecological assessments in intertidal environments / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-088 Nutrient chemistry of a large, deep, lake in subarctic Alaska / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-089 Calibration of a predictive model for instantaneously discharged dredged material / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-090 Effects of several metals on smolting of coho salmon / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-092 The Dynamics of an estuary as a natural ecosystem, II / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-093 Determination of the sites(s) [i.e. site(s)] of action of selected pesticides by an enzymatic-immunobiological approach / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-094 The acute toxicity of zinc to rainbow and brook trout : comparisons in hard and soft water / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-095 Environmental effects of Western coal surface mining : part II, the aquatic macroinvertebrates of Trout Creek, Colorado / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-095/ Environmental effects of western coal surface mining / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-096/ Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-097/ Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-098/ Environmental effects of Western coal combustion. 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-099/ Environmental effects of Western coal combustion. 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-101 Distribution of phytoplankton in Arkansas Lakes / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-102/ Environmental implications of trends in agriculture and silviculture / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-103 Metal bioaccumulation in fishes and aquatic invertebrates : a literature review / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-104 New sampling theory for measuring ecosystem structure / 2
EP 1.23:600/3-78-105 Rates, constants, and kinetics formulations in surface water quality modeling / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-78-106 A comparison of three flooding regimes Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-79-003 Performance of aerated lagoons in northern climates / 1