Call Number (LC) Title Results
EP 4.2:P 26/2 Passenger car fuel economy : dynamometer vs. track vs. road. 1
EP 4.2:P 34 Performance specification 1 : specifications and test procedures for opacity continuous emissions monitoring systems in stationary sources, summary of comments and responses. 1
EP 4.2:P 41 Procedures for evaluating the performance of air quality simulation models / 1
EP 4.2:P 41/2 Performance measures and standards for air quality simulation models / 1
EP 4.2:P 41/3 Survey of perchlorethylene emission sources / 1
EP 4.2:P 41/5  
EP 4.2:P 41/7 Energy StarĀ® qualified homes assured performance in every qualified home. 1
EP 4.2:P 43/2 National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for pesticide active ingredient production background information for promulgated standards : summary of public comments and responses / 1
EP 4.2:P 44 Review of new source performance standards for petroleum refinery class sulfur recovery plants. 1
EP 4.2:P 44/2 The Petro Electric Motors hybrid vehicle (Federal Clean Car Incentive Program candidate vehicle). 1
EP 4.2:P 49/2 National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for the pharmaceutical industry background information for promulgated standards : summary of public comments and responses / 1
EP 4.2:P 53 Philadelphia oxidant enhancement study, hydrocarbon analysis / by H. Westberg and P. Sweany ; prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air, Noise, and Radiation, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. 1
EP 4.2:P 56/2/app.A-B The Sensitivity of complex photochemical model estimates to detail in input information / 1
EP 4.2:P 56/3 Evaluating simple oxidant prediction methods using complex photochemical models : cluster analysis applied to urban ozone characteristics / 1
EP 4.2:P 56/4 Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of phosgene. 1
EP 4.2:P 56/5 Technical discussion related to the choice of photolytic rates for carbon bond mechanisms in OZIPM4/EKMA / 1
EP 4.2:P 56/6 Characterization and control of radionuclide emissions from elemental phosphorus production 1
EP 4.2:P 56/7  
EP 4.2:P 56/8 Photochemical assessment monitoring stations 1996 data analysis results report. 1
EP 4.2:P 56/9 An analysis of chemistry mechanisms and photochemical dispersion models for use in simulating methanol photochemistry / 1