Call Number (LC) Title Results
EP 5.2:P 43/40/2012 Landscaping initiative brochure 1
EP 5.2:P 43/991  
EP 5.2:P 43/992  
EP 5.2:P 65 Federal pioneers environmentally preferable purchasing success stories from the federal government. 1
EP 5.2:P 75 Poison-proof your home one room at a time : pesticide poison prevention checklist. 1
EP 5.2:P 75/SPAN Haga de su hogar un lugar a prueba de venenos una habitación a la vez : lista para la prevención del envenenamiento por pesticidas. 1
EP 5.2:P 76/3 Pollution prevention success stories 1
EP 5.2:P 76/19 EPA's final PCB ban rule : over 100 questions & answers to help you meet these requirements / 1
EP 5.2:P 76/20 Pollution prevention incentives for states 1
EP 5.2:P 76/22 Pollution prevention 1997 a national progress report. 1
EP 5.2:P 76/22/EXEC.SUM Pollution prevention 1997 : a national progress report. 1
EP 5.2:P 76/24 Evaluation of EPA efforts to integrate pollution prevention policy throughout EPA and at other Federal agencies final report / 1
EP 5.2:P 76/25 Preventing exposure to PCBs in caulking material. 1
EP 5.2:P 76/25/SPAN Prevención de la exposición a los PCBs presentes en el material de la masilla. 1
EP 5.2:P 91 Regulatory analysis proposed premanufacture notification and review procedures : Toxic Substances Control Act, section 5. 1
EP 5.2:P 92 The Presidential green chemistry challenge awards program summary of 1996 award entries and recipients. 1
EP 5.2:P 92/2000 The Presidential green chemistry challenge awards program nomination package for 2001 awards / 1
EP 5.2:P 93  
EP 5.2:P 93/2  
EP 5.2:P 94 Promoting environmental justice through pollution prevention. 1