Call Number (LC) Title Results
EP 6.52:EN 8 EMTS transaction instructions 1
EP 6.52:EN 8/3 EPA moderated transaction system (EMTS) flow configuration document, version: 1.0.1 / 1
EP 6.52:EN 8/4 EMTS flow configuration document / 1
EP 6.52:EN 8/5 Frequently asked questions : environmental impacts of recreational vehicles and other nonroad engines. 1
EP 6.52:EN 8/UPDATE EMTS transaction instructions 1
EP 6.52:ET 3 Clean alternative fuels : ethanol. 1
EP 6.52:EV 1 Summary and analysis of comments to the notice of proposed rulemaking : "Evaporative emission regulation and test procedures for gasoline-fueled heavy-duty vehicles" 1
EP 6.52:EV 1/2 Technical feasibility of a 2.0 g/test SHED evaporative emission standard for light duty vehicles and trucks / 1
EP 6.52:EV 1/3 Estimating benefits of inspection/maintenance programs for evaporative control systems : M6. IM.003 / 1
EP 6.52:EX 4 Summary of the acute behavioral effects of exposure to toulene and carbon monoxide from snowmobile exhaust. 1
EP 6.52:EX 4/2 Low-altitude and low-temperature exhaust emissions tests of four vehicles on oxygenated gasoline blends and gasoline fuels / 1
EP 6.52:EX 4/3 Cost effectiveness estimates for mobile source emission control / Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Mobile Source Air Pollution Control. 1
EP 6.52:EX 5 Exhaust emission certification standards : federal test procedure (FTP), federal and California programs, light-duty vehicles (passenger cars) and light light-duty trucks (grams/mile). 1
EP 6.52:F 14 Failure rate analyses and development of fast-pass, retest, and CPP algorithms for IM147 max CO cutpoints / 1
EP 6.52:F 14/DRAFT Failure rate analyses and development of fast-pass, retest, and CPP algorithms for IM147 max CO cutpoints / 1
EP 6.52:F 62 Construction fleet inventory guide / 1
EP 6.52:F 88 A glance at clean freight strategies low viscosity lubricants. 1
EP 6.52:F 88/2 The U.S. freight sustainability summit : meeting summary / 1
EP 6.52:F 88/3 Improve freight logistics : a glance at clean freight strategies / 1
EP 6.52:F 88/3/2019 Improve freight logistics : a glance at clean freight strategies / 1