Call Number (LC) Title Results
F1026 .W852 1941a A history of Canada / 1
F1026 .W944 The Canadians : the story of a people / 1
F1026.4 .C866 1997 Sketches from a young country : the images of Grip magazine / 1
F1026.6 .E7 1997 Es igual pero distinto : essays in the histories of Canada and Argentina / 1
F1026.6 .W33 1991 Mason Wade, Acadia and Quebec : the perception of an outsider / 1
F1027 Where the waters divide : neoliberalism, white privilege, and environmental racism in Canada /
The race question in Canada /
F1027 .A33 L'Action nationale. 1
F1027 .B44 2004 Canada's francophone minority communities : constitutional renewal and the winning of school governance / 1
F1027 .B46 Le Canada français après deux siècles de patience. 1
F1027 .B58 2015  
F1027 .B582 Les Biographies françaises d'Amérique. 1
F1027 .B66 1995 Canada and Quebec : one country, two histories / 1
F1027 .B66 1998 Canada and Quebec : one country, two histories / 1
F1027 .B674 1999 The Gaullist attack on Canada, 1967-1997 / 1
F1027 .B82 Cultural boundaries and the cohesion of Canada / 1
F1027 .B86 Dear enemies : a dialogue on French and English Canada / 1
F1027 .B88 1968 La présence anglaise et les Canadiens : études sur l'histoire et la pensée des deux Canadas. 1
F1027 .C224 1973 Bilingualism and biculturalism : an abridged version of the Royal Commission report / 2
F1027 .C226 Canada's third option / 1
F1027 .C234 2007 Canadas of the mind : the making and unmaking of Canadian nationalisms in the twentieth century / 1