Call Number (LC) Title Results
F127.O5 J7 Annals and recollections of Oneida county 1
F127.O6 A5 Architecture worth saving in Onondaga County. 1
F127.O6 D4 75 year record for my son. 1
F127.O6 S63 A vanished world / 1
F127.O6 W5 Tryphena Ely White's journal being a record, written one hundred years ago, of the daily life of a young lady of Puritan heritage. 1
F127.O93 S38 Landmarks of Otsego County 2
F127.R3 H4 1929 Taconic trails / 1
F127.R32 R32 Minutes of the court of Rensselaerswyck / 1
F127.R32 V14 Correspondence of Jeremias van Rensselaer, 1651-1674 / 1
F127.R32 V29 Correspondence of Maria van Rensselaer, 1669-1689 /
Correspondence of Maria van Rensselaer, 1669-1689
F127.R6 H37 1991 A Dutch family in the middle colonies, 1660-1800 / 1
F127.S3 T53 2005 Gilboa : New York's quest for water and the destruction of a small town / 1
F127.S4 (INTERNET) History of Seneca Co., New York, 1
F127.S7 Staten Island : conservative bastion in a liberal city / 1
F127.S7 G54 2008 Cultural landscape report for the Battery Weed Headland, Fort Wadsworth Gateway National Recreation Area, Staten Island, New York / 1
F127.S7 G65 2023 The forgotten borough : Staten Island and the subway / 1
F127.S7 L46 1930i Staten Island and its people a history, 1609-1929 / 1
F127.S7 M47 1918i English crown grants the foundation of colonial land titles under English common law / 1
F127.S7 M68 2011 High Rock and The Greenbelt : the making of New York City's largest park / 1
F127.S7 P37 2007 That ever loyal island : Staten Island and the American Revolution /
That Ever Loyal Island : Staten Island and the American Revolution.