Call Number (LC) Title Results
F128.5 .V688 2003 Triangle : the fire that changed America / 2
F128.5 .W217 1949 Beau James : the life & times of Jimmy Walker / 1
F128.5.W22 F68 1949 Beau James : the life & times of Jimmy Walker. 1
F128.5.W22 F68 1949a  
F128.5.W22 W34 Gentleman Jimmy Walker, mayor of the jazz age.
Gentleman Jimmy Walker, mayor of the jazz age. /
F128.5 .W227 2017 Greater Gotham : a history of New York City from 1898 to 1919 / 1
F128.5 .W23 1980 Public enemies : the mayor, the mob, and the crime that was / 1
F128.5 .W58 Here is New York. 1
F128.5 .W73 2013 City of ambition : FDR, La Guardia, and the making of modern New York / 1
F128.5 .W85 1933 The real New York : a guide for the adventurous shopper, the exploratory eater and the know-it-all sightseer who ain't seen nothin' yet / 1
F128.5 .Y53 2010 Alfred Stieglitz New York / 1
F128.5 .Z8 1956 Norteamerica a la vista / 1
F128.52 Robert Wagner and the rise of New York cCty's plebiscitary mayoralty : the tamer of the tammany tiger /
New York 19 : Conceived, recorded, /
F128.52 .A44 2010 America's mayor : John V. Lindsay and the reinvention of New York / 1
F128.52 .A75 2000 Arguing the world : the New York intellectuals in their own words / 1
F128.52|b.F4 1964 New York / 1
F128.52 .B37 The truants : adventures among the intellectuals / 2
F128.52 .B43 1964 Brendan Behan's New York / 1
F128.52 .B44 2003 Deconstructing post-WWII New York City : the literature, art, jazz, and architecture of an emerging global capital / 1
F128.52 .B44 2003eb Deconstructing post-WWII New York City : the literature, art, jazz, and architecture of an emerging global capital / 1