Call Number (LC) Title Results
F1392.B55 C37 1991 Blacks in colonial Veracruz : race, ethnicity, and regional development / 1
F1392.B55 C64 2020 Finding Afro-Mexico : race and nation after the Revolution / 1
F1392.B55 C64 2020eb Finding Afro-Mexico : race and nation after the Revolution / 1
F1392.B55 ebook Azúcar negra : el negro mexicano blanqueado o borrado /
Afroméxico : el pulso de la población negra en México : una historia recordada, olvidada y vuelta a recordar /
F1392.B55 G47 2019 Taxing blackness : free Afromexican tribute in Bourbon New Spain /
Taxing Blackness : free Afromexican tribute in Bourbon New Spain /
F1392.B55 J47 2023 Blackness in Mexico : Afro-Mexican recognition and the production of citizenship in the Costa Chica / 1
F1392.B55 L38 2012 Chocolate and corn flour : history, race, and place in the making of "Black" Mexico / 1
F1392.B55 L38 2012eb Chocolate and corn flour history, race, and place in the making of "Black" Mexico / 1
F1392.B55 M45 2001 Sensemayá : la ruta del sol poniente / 1
F1392.B55 O341 1997 Afrodescendientes : sobre piel canela / 1
F1392.B55 P63 2005 Poblaciones y culturas de origen africano en México / 1
F1392.B55 P74 1997 Presencia africana en México / 1
F1392.B55 T374 2017eb Resistencia de los negros en el Virreinato de México, siglos XVI-XVII / 1
F1392.B55 T47 2022 The capital of free women : race, legitimacy, and liberty in colonial Mexico / 2
F1392.B55 V56 2004 Afroméxico : el pulso de la población negra en México, una historia recordada, olvidada y vuelta a recordar / 1
F1392.B55 W57 2020 The nigrescent beyond : Mexico, the United States, and the psychic vanishing of blackness / 1
F1392.C28 ebook De la colonia a la globalización : empresarios cántabros en México / 1
F1392.C3 M87 2014 Per qué en sóc? / 1
F1392.C45 Chino : Anti-Chinese Racism in Mexico, 1880-1940 /
Moxige Hua qiao shi hua
F1392.C45 C43 2017 Chino : anti-Chinese racism in Mexico, 1880-1940 / 1