Call Number (LC) Title Results
F216.2 .C64 Five States for Goldwater : continuity and change in Southern presidential voting patterns / 1
F216.2 .D36 2000 Lost revolutions : the South in the 1950s / 2
F216.2 .D36 2000i Lost revolutions the South in the 1950s / 1
F216.2 .D57 1990 The Disappearing South? : studies in regional change and continuity / 2
F216.2 .D57 2013 The Disappearing South? : Studies in Regional Change and Continuity. 1
F216.2 .D59 1983 Dixie dateline : a journalistic portrait of the contemporary South / 2
F216.2 .E34 The Americanization of Dixie: the Southernization of America.
The Americanization of Dixie : the Southernization of America.
F216.2 .E36 1991 Shades of gray : dispatches from the modern South / 1
F216.2 .E58 2009 Entering the fray : gender, politics, and culture in the New South / 2
F216.2 .E58 2009eb Entering the fray : gender, politics, and culture in the New South / 1
F216.2 .F7 Southerners, a journalist's odyssey / 1
F216.2 .F74 2001 The Dixiecrat revolt and the end of the Solid South, 1932-1968 / 1
F216.2 .F74 2001eb The Dixiecrat revolt and the end of the solid South, 1932-1968 / 1
F216.2 .G34 1982 Race, rock & religion : profiles from a southern journalist / 1
F216.2 .G67 1972 Let the glory out : my South and its politics. 1
F216.2 .G73 1982 Elephants in the cottonfields : Ronald Reagan and the new Republican South / 2
F216.2 .H36 1993 Islands at the edge of time : a journey to America's barrier islands / 3
F216.2 J33 The South's new challenge / 1
F216.2 .J34 1994 Dream city : race, power, and the decline of Washington, D.C. / 2
F216.2 .J635 2017 Hurtling toward happiness : a mother and teenage son's road trip from blues to bonding in a really small car / 1