Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
F2230.1.A3 E9 | The Evolution of horticultural systems in native South America: causes and consequences : a symposium / | 1 |
F2230.1.A3 E95 | The Evolution of horticultural systems in native South America: causes and consequences : a symposium / | 1 |
F2230.1.A3 S34 | Ethnographic notes on Amerindian agriculture / | 1 |
F2230.1.A4 C6 | Pigmeos en América? : Con 10 fotografías y un mapa. | 1 |
F2230.1.A4 S24 1988 | South American Indians : a case study in evolution / | 1 |
F2230.1.A5 C36 2009 |
Ciudad y territorio en los Andes contribuciones a la historia del urbanismo prehispánico / Ciudad y territorio en los Andes : contribuciones a la historia del urbanismo prehispánico / |
2 |
F2230.1.A5 D64 1993 | Domestic architecture, ethnicity, and complementarity in the south-central Andes / | 2 |
F2230.1.A5 D64 1993eb | Domestic architecture, ethnicity, and complementarity in the south-central Andes / | 2 |
F2230.1.A5 ebook | América antigua : arquitectura, arqueología y paisaje / | 1 |
F2230.1.A5 M655 2021 | Ancient Andean houses : making, inhabiting, studying / | 3 |
F2230.1.A5 M66 1996 | Architecture and power in the ancient Andes : the archaeology of public buildings / | 1 |
F2230.1.A5 M66 2005 | Architecture and Power in the Ancient Andes : the Archaeology of Public Buildings / | 1 |
F2230.1.A7 A48 1995 | America ritrovata : collezioni americane dell'Ottocento nei Musei civici di Como / | 1 |
F2230.1.A7 A53 1995 | Andean art : visual expression and its relation to Andean beliefs and values / | 1 |
F2230.1.A7 A78 2020 | El arte antes de la historia : para una historia del arte andino antiguo / | 1 |
F2230.1.A7 B4 | Ancient arts of the Andes / | 1 |
F2230.1.A7 B4 1954 | Ancient arts of the Andes / | 1 |
F2230.1.A7 B4 1966 | Ancient arts of the Andes. | 1 |
F2230.1.A7 B78 2010 | Faking the ancient Andes | 1 |
F2230.1.A7 C66 2019 v.1 | Comodato MASP Landmann. | 1 |