Call Number (LC) Title Results
F2230.2.C5 F65 1987 Folk literature of the Chamacoco Indians / 1
F2230.2.G72 Forest dwellers, forest protectors : indigenous models for international development /
Guaraní SM04.
F2230.2.G72 A94 2021 Mitología Guaraní cuentos : trilingüe español - italiano - guaraní / 1
F2230.2.G72 .B4 Leyendas guaraníes : y otras leyendas. 1
F2230.2.G72 ebook Don y reciprocidad : De Bartomeu Melià a la filosofía contemporánea /
Religión y poder en las misiones de guaraníes /
Los guaraní : persecución y resistencia : pueblos indígenas del centro de América del Sur /
F2230.2.G72 G35 2003 The Guaraní under Spanish rule in the Río de la Plata / 1
F2230.2.G72 G56 2006 Entre las bellas palabras y las palabras sagradas : el sincretismo lingüístico-religioso en las reducciones jesuísticas del Paraguay / 1
F2230.2.G72 H57 2021 Historia y linguística guaraní : homenaje a Bartomeu Melià / 1
F2230.2.G72 J33 2019 Regional conflict and demographic patterns on the Jesuit missions among the Guarani in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / 2
F2230.2.G72 M57 2020 Misiones y doctrinas jesuíticas : apuntes sobre la integración artística de los indígenas americanos / 1
F2230.2.G72 P67 2007 Now we are citizens : indigenous politics in postmulticultural Bolivia / 1
F2230.2.G72 R441 1997 Forest dwellers, forest protectors : indigenous models for international development / 1
F2230.2.G72 R45 1997  
F2230.2.G72 R45 2009 Forest dwellers, forest protectors : indigenous models for international development / 1
F2230.2.G72 S27 2014 The Guaraní and their missions : a socioeconomic history / 1
F2230.2.G72 S27 2014eb The Guaraní and their missions : a socioeconomic history / 1
F2230.2.G72 Y33 2014 Genocidio Guaraní : Paraguaikue / 1
F2230.2.G78 S34 2000 The Chaco Mission Frontier : the Guaycuruan experience /
The Chaco mission frontier : the Guaycuruan experience /
F2230.2.J58 D4713 1996 The spears of twilight : life and death in the Amazon jungle / 1
F2230.2.K4 At the mountains' altar : anthropology of religion in an Andean community /
Food, power, and resistance in the Andes : exploring Quechua verbal and visual narratives /
Remaking Kichwa : Language and Indigenous Pluralism in Amazonian Ecuador.
Sipas - Wayna : ser "joven" quechua en el Perú /
At the crossroads of the earth and the sky : an Andean cosmology /
'Tambo : life in an Andean village /