Call Number (LC) Title Results
F2281.C5 El territorio es la vida misma : territorialidades y construcción de paz en el departamento del Chocó / 1
F2281.C5 C68 1959 Diario del alto San Juan y del Atrato / 1
F2281.C5 K867 2016 Eine neue Karte des Alto Choco (Kolumbien, Südamerika) und deren Grundlagen 1
F2281.C5 O7 Historia documental del Chocó / 1
F2281.C6 ebook Historia documental de Córdoba / 1
F2281.C65 V35 1987 Córdoba, su gente, su folclor / 1
F2281.C9 Los rojos y los azules 1
F2281.D2 Advertisement. Edinburgh, 20th of May 1696. 1
F2281.D2 B2 A history of William Paterson and the Darien company : with illustrations and appendices / 1
F2281.D2 B4 A speech in Parliament on the 10th day of January 1701 / 1
F2281.D2 B52 A description of the province and bay of Darian giving an full account of all it's situation, inhabitants, way and manner of living and religion, solemnities, ceremonies and product, being vastly rich with gold and silver, and various other commodities / 2
F2281.D2 C65 The representation of the council-general of the Indian and African Company to the Parliament
The Council-General of the Indian and African Company's petition to His Majesty
F2281.D2 C66 1699 Caledonia. The declaration of the council constituted by the Indian and African Company of Scotland; for the government and direction of their colonies, and settlements in the Indies. 1
F2281.D2 D43 A Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien including an answer to the defence of the Scots settlement there / 2
F2281.D2 F69 Scotland's present duty, or, A call to the nobility, gentry, ministry and commonalty of this land to be duely affected with, and vigorously to act for, our common concern in Caledonia, as a mean to enlarge Christ's kingdom, to benefit our selves, and do good to all Protestant churches.
Certain propositions relating to the Scots plantation of Caledonia, and the national address for supporting thereof breifly offered to publick view, for removing of mistakes and prejudices.
F2281.D2 G45 The history of Caledonia, or, The Scots Colony in Darien in the West Indies with an account of the manners of the inhabitants and riches of the countrey / 2
F2281.D2 G46 The history of Caledonia, or, The Scots Colony in Darien in the West Indies with an account of the manners of the inhabitants, and riches of the countrey / 2
F2281.D2 H39 The disaster of Darien : the story of the Scots settlement and the causes of its failure, 1699-1701 / 1
F2281.D2 (INTERNET) A defence of the Scots settlement at Darien with an answer to the Spanish memorial against it, and arguments to prove that it is the interest of England to join with the Scots and protect it : to which is added a description of the countrey, and a particular account of the Scots colony.
Scotland's present duty, or, A call to the nobility, gentry, ministry and commonalty of this land to be duely affected with, and vigorously to act for, our common concern in Caledonia, as a mean to enlarge Christ's kingdom, to benefit our selves, and do good to all Protestant churches.
A just and modest vindication of the Scots design, for the having established a colony at Darien with a brief display, how much it is their interest, to apply themselves to trade, and particularly to that which is foreign.
An enquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scots colony at Darien, or, An answer to a libel entituled, A defence of the Scots abdicating Darien submitted to the consideration of the good people of England.
Scotland's grievances relating to Darien &c., humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament
F2281.D2 M35 2016 Darien : a journey in search of empire / 1