Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
F229 .S77 2019 | Relation of Virginia : a boy's memoir of life with the Powhatans and Patawomecks / | 1 |
F229 .S774 | Alexander Spotswood, Governor of Colonial Virginia, 1710-1722 / | 1 |
F229 .S793 | The story of Virginia's first century / | 1 |
F229 .S84 | The history of the first discovery and settlement of Virginia being an essay towards a general history of this colony / | 1 |
F229 .S895 1677a | More news from Virginia : a further account of Bacon's rebellion / | 1 |
F229 .S93 | The Jamestown 350th anniversary historical booklets. | 1 |
F229 .S95 | Political leadership in eighteenth century Virginia : an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 1 February 1951. | 1 |
F229 .T15 | The sociology of colonial Virginia. | 1 |
F229 .T466 2010eb | The birth of Virginia's aristocracy. | 1 |
F229 .T58 1991 |
Gentry and common folk political culture on a Virginia frontier, 1740-1789 / Gentry and common folk : political culture on a Virginia frontier, 1740-1789 / |
2 |
F229 .T63 2007 | Tobacco, corn & caviar : Jamestown founding documents : spectacular complete text charters, declarations, & documents published between 1606 and 1625 by the Virginia Company of London / | 1 |
F229 .T994 | Narratives of early Virginia, 1606-1625 / | 1 |
F229 .V57 |
Whereas [the right honorable Henrie Earle of Huntingdon] hath paid in ready mony to Sir Thomas Smith Knight, Treasurer of Virginea [sic], the somme of [ffortie pounds in full paimnt of 120 pd ?] for his aduentures towards the said voiage ... written this [2d] of [December 1613] VVhereas [Mr. Richarde Widdowes of London goldsmythe] hath paid in readie monie to Sir Thomas Smith knight, Treasurer of Virginia, the somme of [twenty and five poundes] for his aduentures towards the said voyage ... written this [22th day of Marche] Anno Domini. 1608. A declaration for the certaine time of dravving the great standing lottery Whereas [Henry Erle of Huntingdon] hath paid in ready mony to Sir Thomas Smith Knight, Treasurer of Virginea [sic], the somme of [fortye powndes] for his aduentures towards the said voiage ... Written this [forth] of [Aprill] Anno Domini 1610. |
4 |
F229 .V57 1610 |
A publication by the counsell of Virginea, touching the plantation there By the counsell of Virginea whereas the good shippe called the Hercules, is now preparing, and almost in a readiness with necessarie prouisions, to make a supplie to the Lord Governour and the Colonie in Virginea .. |
2 |
F229 .V57 1611 | By the Counsell of Virginea seeing it hath pleased God ... that now by the wisdome and industry of the Lord Governour settled in Virginea, the state and business of the English plantation there succeedeth with hope of a most prosperous event .. | 1 |
F229 .V57 1620 | A declaration of the state of the colonie and affaires in Virginia with the names of the aduenturors, and summes aduentured in that action / | 1 |
F229 .V57 1621 | A note of the shipping, men, and prouisions sent and provided for Virginia, by the Right Honorable Henry, Earle of South-hampton, and the Company, and other priuate aduenturers, in the yeere 1621. &c. | 1 |
F229 .V835 2019 | Virginia 1619 : slavery and freedom in the making of English America / | 1 |
F229 .V856 |
Considering there is no publicke action ... which tendeth to the generall good ... of this common-wealth, but ... is also beneficiall ... to euery particular member thereof, we thought it therefore requisite, to impart vnto you ... how many wayes it hath pleased God to encourage vs to goe on, in that great worke and enterprize of planting colonies of our English nation in those parts of America, which wee commonly call Virginia, or Noua Britannia .. A note of the shipping, men, and provisions, sent to Virginia, by the treasurer and company, in the year 1619. A note of the shippping, men, and prouisions, sent and prouided for Virginia, by the right honorable, the Earle of Southampton, and the Company, this yeare, 1620 |
4 |
F229 .V856 1620 | By the treasuror, councell and company for Virginia. [A proclamation for the erection of guest houses, 17 May, 1620] | 1 |