Call Number (LC) Title Results
F232.A3 Charlottesville 2017 : the legacy of race and inequity / 1
F232.A3 C46 2018 Charlottesville 2017 : the legacy of race and inequity / 1
F232.A3 L79 1979 Mr. Jefferson's upland Virginia : photographs and quotations about Thomas Jefferson's homeland / 2
F232.A3 M66 1976 Albemarle, Jefferson's county, 1727-1976 / 1
F232.A3 R35 2014 Hidden history : African American cemeteries in central Virginia / 1
F232.A3 .R35 2014eb Hidden history : African American cemeteries in central Virginia / 1
F232.A3 V66 2012 Freedom has a face : race, identity, and community in Jefferson's Virginia /
Freedom has a face race, identity, and community in Jefferson's Virginia /
F232.A9 A9 1965 Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish settlement in Virginia, extracted from the original court records of Augusta County 1745-1800 / 1
F232.A9 B879 1989 The registers of free blacks, 1810-1864 Augusta County, Virginia and Staunton, Virginia / 1
F232.A9 M38 Life under four flags in North River Basin of Virginia / 1
F232.A9 M44 2014 The road to Black Ned's forge : a story of race, sex, and trade on the colonial American frontier.
The road to Black Ned's forge : a story of race, sex, and trade on the colonial American frontier /
F232.B96 S83 2002 A way out of no way : claiming family and freedom in the new South / 1
F232.B96 W46 1985 The hidden and forgotten : Buckingham County / 1
F232.C43 M67 1998 Slave counterpoint : Black culture in the eighteenth-century Chesapeake and Lowcountry / 2
F232.C43 M87 2019 Urban dreams, rural commonwealth : the rise of plantation society in the Chesapeake / 2
F232.C43 O96 1990 Governor's Land : archaeology of early seventeenth-century Virginia settlements / 1
F232.C59 F38 2023 Necessary trouble : growing up at midcentury / 1
F232.C7 R67 Jamestown Island : photographs / 1
F232.C7 R67 1976 Jamestown Island : photographs / 1
F232.C9 S88 1995 Seasons of war : the ordeal of a Confederate community, 1861-1865 / 1