F291.C2 D86 1986
Freedom's shore : Tunis Campbell and the Georgia freedmen / |
2 |
F291 .C56 1997
Under the guardianship of the nation : the Freedmen's Bureau and the reconstruction of Georgia, 1865-1870 / |
1 |
F291 .C66
The reconstruction of Georgia. |
1 |
F291 .C66 1966
Reconstruction of Georgia. |
2 |
F291 .F58 1983
White land, black labor : caste and class in late nineteenth-century Georgia / |
2 |
F291 .G3142
The commonwealth of Georgia. : The country; the people; the productions... / |
1 |
F291 .G43 1988
Georgia governors in an age of change : from Ellis Arnall to George Busbee / |
2 |
F291 .G467 1945
Georgia : great in industry, commerce and agriculture ... rich in history, scenic beauty and spots of unique interest. |
1 |
F291.H22 D86 2016
Cracking the solid South : the life of John Fletcher Hanson, father of Georgia Tech / |
1 |
F291 .J67
Soldiers of light and love : northern teachers and Georgia blacks, 1865-1873 / |
1 |
F291 .L52
Ten years on a Georgia plantation since the war. |
1 |
F291 .L52 1969
Ten years on a Georgia plantation since the war. |
1 |
F291 .L85 1995
The light of other days / |
1 |
F291.L89 H35 2019
Sisters and rebels : a struggle for the soul of America / |
1 |
F291 .M4 1948
Modern Georgia / |
1 |
F291 .N685 2007
This Georgia rising : education, civil rights, and the politics of change in Georgia in the 1940s / |
1 |
F291 .P62
A letter to Hon. Charles Sumner, with "statements" of outrages upon freedmen in Georgia, and an account of my expulsion from Andersonville, Ga., by the Ku-Klux Klan / |
1 |
F291 .P62 1870
A letter to Hon. Charles Sumner, with "statements" of outrages upon freedmen in Georgia, and an account of my expulsion from Andersonville, Ga., by the Ku-Klux Klan / |
1 |
F291 .P7
I can go home again. |
1 |
F291 .R12
Radical rule; military outrage in Georgia. Arrest of Columbus prisoners; with facts connected with their imprisonment and release. |
1 |