F3429.3.C14 B38 1995eb
Astronomy and empire in the ancient Andes : the cultural origins of Inca sky watching / |
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F3429.3.C14 G85 2020
Astronomy of the Inca Empire : Use and Significance of the Sun and the Night Sky / |
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F3429.3.C14 M8
Sonne, Mond und Sterne über dem Reich der Inka. |
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F3429.3.C59 R44 1983
Relaciones intertribales en el Bajo Urubamba y Alto Ucayali / |
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F3429.3.C74 R36 2005
To feed and be fed : the cosmological bases of authority and identity in the Andes / |
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F3429.3.C8 F46 2005eb
Gender and the boundaries of dress in contemporary Peru / |
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F3429.3.C85 V47 2016
Holes in the head : the art and archaeology of trepanation in ancient Peru / |
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F3429.3.D79 N3713 1998
The cosmic serpent : DNA and the origins of knowledge / |
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F3429.3.D79 N3713 1998r
The cosmic serpent : DNA and the origins of knowledge / |
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F3429.3.D79 V55 1990
The four winds : a shaman's odyssey into the Amazon / |
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F3429.3.D79 V55 1995
Dance of the four winds : secrets of the Inca medicine wheel / |
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F3429.3 .E2
The Articulated Peasant : Household Economies In The Andes / |
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F3429.3.E2 ebook
Sistema económico indígena andino : funcionamiento y lógicas desde la perspectiva del Runa en el Sur Andino / |
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F3429.3.E2 I54 1992
Inka storage systems / |
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F3429.3.E2 M38 2002
The articulated peasant : household economies in the Andes / |
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F3429.3.E2 M58 2006
Voices from the global margin : confronting poverty and inventing new lives in the Andes / |
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F3429.3.E2 M58 2006eb
Voices from the global margin : confronting poverty and inventing new lives in the Andes / |
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F3429.3.E84 C38 2007
Retablo de memorias : indígenas e indigenismo en Ayacucho / |
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F3429.3.F57 M37 1987
Late intermediate occupation at Cerro Azul, Perú : a preliminary report / |
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F3429.3.F57 R67 1981
Recursos naturales renovables y pesca, siglos XVI y XVII / |
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