Call Number (LC) Title Results
F3429.3.S59 W54 1990 Indigenous migration and social change : the forasteros of Cuzco, 1570-1720 /
Indigenous migration and social change the forasteros of Cuzco, 1570-1720 /
F3429.3.S6 Moon, sun, and witches : gender ideologies and class in Inca and colonial Peru /
The ceque system of Cuzco : the social organization of the capital of the Inca /
Inca civilization in Cuzco /
F3429.3.S6 A434 2008 De Las Costumbres Antiguas de Los Naturales Del Pirú 1
F3429.3.S6 D4 2008 De las costumbres antiguas de los naturales del Pirú / 1
F3429.3.S6 E33 1986 La Edad del Oro / 1
F3429.3.S6 ebook De Las Costumbres Antiguas de Los Naturales Del Pirú 1
F3429.3.S6 F5813 2010 In search of an Inca : identity and utopia in the Andes / 1
F3429.3.S6 R67 1993 Ensayos de historia andina : elites, etnias, recursos / 1
F3429.3.S6 S55 1987 Moon, sun, and witches : gender ideologies and class in Inca and colonial Peru / 1
F3429.3.S6 S5518 1990 Luna, sol y brujas : géneros y clases en los Andes prehispánicos y coloniales / 1
F3429.3.S6 Z8213 1990 Inca civilization in Cuzco / 2
F3429.3.T28 E83 El tributo indígena en el Perú : siglos XVI y XVII / 1
F3429.3.T3 B5 Paracas fabrics and Nazca needlework, 3d century B.C.--3rd century A.D. / 1
F3429.3.T3 F65 2021 Following the thread / 1
F3429.3.T3 F65 2021 DVD Following the thread / 1
F3429.3.T3 H33 Textiles of ancient Peru and their techniques / 1
F3429.3.T3 J86 1973 The Junius B. Bird Pre-Columbian Textile Conference, May 19th and 20th, 1973 / 1
F3429.3.T3 S3 Tiahuanaco tapestry design / 1
F3429.3.T3 S8 Paracas embroideries : a study of repeated patterns / 1
F3429.3.T3 T49 2012 Textiles de Pachacamac / 1