Call Number (LC) Title Results
F475.G3 A53 2016 Abolitionizing Missouri : German immigrants and racial ideology in nineteenth-century America / 1
F475.G3 B87 1996 German settlement in Missouri : new land, old ways / 2
F475.G3 D48 1985 The Germans in Missouri, 1900-1918 : prohibition, neutrality, and assimilation / 2
F475.G3 D49 2012 Degrees of allegiance : harassment and loyalty in Missouri's German-American community during World War I / 3
Your match would be here.
F475.G3 G47 1983 Germans for a free Missouri : translations from the St. Louis radical press, 1857-1862 / 1
F475G3 G47 1983 Germans for a free Missouri : translations from the St. Louis radical press, 1857-1862 / 1
F475.G3 K354 1987 The Westfalians : from Germany to Missouri / 1
F475.G3 K354 1987eb The Westfalians : from Germany to Missouri / 1
F475.G3 M34 1994 From knights to pioneers : one German family in Westphalia and Missouri / 1
F475.G3 M34 1994eb From knights to pioneers : one German family in Westphalia and Missouri / 1
F475 .L453 A view of the lead mines of Missouri including some observations on the mineralogy, geology, geography, antiquities, and soil, climate, population, and productuions of Missouri and Arkansaw, and other sections of the western country / 1
F475.M8 G8 Facts relative to the expulsion of the Mormons, or Latter day saints from the state of Missouri, under the "exterminating order" / 1
F475.S78 M66 2021 The names of John Gergen : immigrant identities in early twentieth-century St. Louis / 2
F476 .B41 Pages from the early history of the West and Northwest embracing reminiscences and incidents of settlement and growth, and sketches of the material and religious progress of the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, with especial reference to the history of Methodism. 1
F476 .B98 History of the discovery of the Northwest by John Nicolet in 1634 : with a sketch of his life / 1
F476 .G7 The Michigan historical review.
The Great Lakes review.
F476 .H56 1899i The old Northwest the beginnings of our colonial system / 1
F476 .H65 The Old Northwest : the beginnings of our colonial system / 1
F476 .M19 The territorial governors of the Old Northwest : a study in territorial administration / 1
F476 .S37 Narrative journal of travels through the northwestern regions of the United States extending from Detroit through the great chain of American lakes, to the sources of the Mississippi river. Performed as a member of the expedition under Governor Cass. In the year 1820 / 1