Call Number (LC) Title Results
F574.G7 U55 1998 Community forum on race relations in Grand Rapids / 1
F574.G7 U55 1998i Community forum on race relations in Grand Rapids 1
F574.G8 C67 Grosse Pointe, Michigan: race against race.
Grosse Pointe, Michigan: race against race /
F574.H23 K386 2010 Challenge accepted : a Finnish immigrant response to industrial America in Michigan's copper country / 1
F574.H23 K386 2010eb Challenge accepted : a Finnish immigrant response to industrial America in Michigan's copper country /
Challenge accepted a Finnish immigrant response to industrial America in Michigan's copper country /
F574.H6 K4 Trees to tulips : authentic tales of the pioneers of Holland, Michigan. 1
F574.H6 K5 The promise of American life : social mobility in a nineteenth-century immigrant community, Holland, Michigan, 1847-1894 / 1
F574.I35 S74 2013 Idlewild : the rise, decline, and rebirth of a unique African American resort town / 1
F574.I35 S74 2013eb Idlewild : the rise, decline, and rebirth of a unique African American resort town / 1
F574.I35 W35 2002 Black Eden : the Idlewild community / 3
F574.J14 M67 1985 A leak in the heart : tales from a woman's life / 2
F574.K1 S35 1976 Kalamazoo : nineteenth-century homes in a midwestern village / 1
F574.M7 D48 1984 Race and kinship in a Midwestern town : the black experience in Monroe, Michigan, 1900-1915 / 2
F574.M9 A38 1892 The advantages and surroundings of Muskegon, Mich. : the material interests of a progressive city. 1
F574.M9 S54 2003 Beyond the windswept dunes : the story of maritime Muskegon / 2
F574.S2 J35 1996 Cultural landscape report : Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis, Missouri / 1
F574.S26 K68 1998 The other side of the river : a story of two towns, a death, and America's dilemma / 1
F574.W5 P48 2013 Planning the Home Front : Building Bombers and Communities at Willow Run / 1
F575 Ukrainians in Michigan. 1
F575.A1 G57 2000 Ethnicity in Michigan : issues and people / 1