Call Number (LC) Title Results
F67.H982 A4 2014 The correspondence of Thomas Hutchinson / 1
F67.H982 P46 1982 America's Burke : the mind of Thomas Hutchinson.
America's Burke : the mind of Thomas Hutchinson. --
F67.H982 W35 1999 Thomas Hutchinson and the origins of the American Revolution / 1
F67 .H985 The history of the colony and province of Massachusetts-bay / 1
F67 (INTERNET) New English Canaan, or, New Canaan containing an abstract of New England, composed in three bookes : the first booke setting forth the originall of the natives, their manners and customes, together with their tractable nature and love towards the English : the second booke setting forth the naturall indowments of the countrie, and what staple commodities it yeeldeth : the third booke setting forth what people are planted there, their prosperity, what remarkable accidents have happened since the first planting of it, together with their tenents, and practise of their church /
The humble request of His Majesties loyall subjects, the governour and the company late gone for Nevv-England to the rest of their brethren, in and of the Church of England. For the obtaining of their prayers, and the removall of suspitions, and misconstructions of their intentions.
Massachusetts, or, The first planters of New-England the end and manner of their coming thither, and abode there: in several epistles.
A short story of the rise, reign, and ruin of the Antinomians, Familists, and libertines that infected the churches of New-England and how they were confuted by the assembly of ministers there as also of the magistrates proceedings in court against them : together with God's strange remarkable judgements from heaven upon some of the chief fomenters of these opinions : and the lamentable death of Mrs. Hutchison : very fit for these times, here being the same errors amongst us, and acted by the same spirit /
Plain dealing, or, Nevves from New-England a short view of New-Englands present government, both ecclesiasticall and civil, compared with the anciently-received and established government of England in some materiall points : fit for the gravest consideratin in these times /
F67 .J6 Wonder-working providence of Sions Saviour in New England 1
F67 .J67 1867a Wonder-working providence of Sions Saviour in New England (1654) : and Good news from New England (1648) / 1
F67 .J675 Johnson's Wonder-working providence, 1628-1651 / 1
F67 .L34 Colonial Massachusetts : a history / 1
F67 .L37 2007 Salem witch judge : the life and repentance of Samuel Sewall / 1
F67 .L663 Letters from New England : the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1629-1638 / 2
F67 .L98 1880i The diaries of Benjamin Lynde and of Benjamin Lynde, Jr. with an appendix / 1
F67.L98 1880i The diaries of Benjamin Lynde and of Benjamin Lynde, Jr. with an appendix / 1
F67 .M Builders of the Bay colony / 1
F67.M3 C6 The holy walk and glorious translation of blessed Enoch a sermon preached at the lecture in Boston, two days after the death of the reverend and learned Cotton Mather, D. D. & F. R. S. who departed this life, Febr. 13, 1728. atat. 65. 1
F67 .M308 1672 [The General Laws and Liberties of the Massachusetts Colony] 1
F67 .M36 The Puritans' farewell to England : being The humble request of the governor and company of the Massachusetts-bay in New England about to depart upon the great emigration, April 7, 1630. 1
F67 .M37 1669 At a council held at Boston, March 10, 1668. The governour and magistrates being assembled in Council, and in some measure sensible of the many tokens of the Lords displeasure against the cutting short the fruits of the Earth for sundry years past .. 1
F67 .M37 1678 At a general court held at Boston in New-England the second day of October 1678. It having been presented and recommended unto this court by the Commissioners of the United Colonies at their late session at Hartford in September last .. 1
F67 .M37 1679 At a general court held at Boston, October 15, 1679 2