Call Number (LC) Title Results
F7 .H227 2011 A reforming people : Puritanism and the transformation of public life in New England / 1
F7 .H227 2012eb Reforming people : Puritanism and the transformation of public life in New England / 1
F7 .H23 The Puritan frontier : town-planting in New England colonial development, 1630-1660 / 1
F7 .H356 2013 Abandoning America : life-stories from early New England / 1
F7 .H36 2007 Pilgrims : New World settlers & the call of home / 2
F7 .H647 New-Englands plantation / 1
F7 .H65 1986 Histories and narratives. 1
F7 .H78 Nevv Englands teares, for old Englands feares Preached in a sermon on July 23. 1640. being a day of publike humiliation, appointed by the churches, in behalfe of our native countrey in time of feared dangers / 1
F7 .H85 Prologue to New England / 1
F7 .H87 A general history of New England from the discovery to MDCLXXX / 1
F7 .H91 1691 The humble address of the publicans of New-England, to which king you please. With some remarks upon it. 1
F7 (INTERNET) Nevv-Englands plantation, or, A short and true description of the commodities and discommodities of that countrey
An historicall discoverie and relation of the English plantations, in Nevv England Containing their aventurous passages, their happie arivall and comfortable planting, manifesting the goodnesse of God in their preservations from many apparent dangers. With a relation of such religious and ciuill lawes, and customs as are in practise amongst the indians, with their natures and habits. As also a naration of the ayre, earth, water, fish, and fowles of that countrie. continued from the first beginning, in the yeare of our Lord 1607. and so handling all passages of moment successiuely from time to time.
Nevv Englands trials Declaring the successe of 26. ships employed thither within these sixe yeares: with the benefit of that countrey by sea and land: and how to build threescore sayle of good ships, to make a little navie royall. /
Nevv Englands prospect· A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called Nevv England : discovering the state of that countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English planters; and to the old native inhabitants : Laying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind-travelling reader, or benefit the future voyager /
Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New-England, or any where., or, The path-way to experience to erect a plantation With the yearely proceedings of this country in fishing and planting, since the yeare 1614. to the yeare 1630. and their present estate. Also how to prevent the greatest inconveniences, by their proceedings in Virginia, and other plantations, by approved examples. With the countries armes, a description of the coast, harbours, habitations, land-markes, latitude and longitude: with the map, allowed by our royall King Charles. /
A description of New England:, or, The obseruations, and discoueries, of Captain Iohn Smith (admirall of that country) in the north of America, in the year of our Lord 1614 with the successe of sixe ships, that went the next yeare 1615; and the accidents befell him among the French men of warre: with the proofe of the present benefit this countrey affoords: whither this present yeare, 1616, eight voluntary ships are gone to make further tryall.
F7 .J34 1999 People of the Wachusett : greater New England in history and memory, 1630-1860 /
People of the Wachusett greater New England in history and memory, 1630-1860 /
F7 .J46 The invasion of America : Indians, colonialism, and the cant of conquest / 1
F7 .J59 2002 Daily life in colonial New England / 1
F7 .J64 Adjustment to empire : the New England colonies, 1675-1715 / 1
F7 .J66 The shattered synthesis : New England Puritanism before the Great Awakening / 1
F7 .J67 1675 An account of two voyages to New-England wherein you have the setting out of a ship, with the charges, the prices of all necessaries for furnishing a planter & his family at his first coming, a description of the country, natives and creatures, the government of the countrey as it is now possessed by the English &c., a large chronological table of the most remarkable passages from the first discovering of the continent of America to the year 1673 / 2
F7 .J84 An account of two voyages to New-England wherein you have the setting out of a ship, with the charges; the prices of all necessaries for furnishing a planter and his family at his first coming; a description of the countrey, natives and creatures, with their merchantil and physical use; the government of the countrey as it is now possessed by the English, &c. A large chronological table of the most remarkable passages, from the first discovering of the continent of America, to the year 1673 / 1
F7 .J85 1988 John Josselyn, colonial traveler : a critical edition of Two voyages to New-England / 1