Call Number (LC) Title Results
F94.J64 1903i Connecticut a study of a commonwealth-democracy / 1
F94 .J7 Connecticut : a study of a commonwealth-democracy. 1
F94 .L4 The Yankees of Connecticut / 1
F94 .L44 2012eb Hidden in plain sight : a deep traveler explores Connecticut / 1
F94 .L48 1986 Connecticut : a geography / 1
F94 .S45 Series in Connecticut history / 1
F94 .S46 Chronology and documentary handbook of the State of Connecticut / 1
F94 .S73 1944i Connecticut at the start of her fourth century the evolution of constitutional government in the state of Connecticut / 1
F94.S73 1944i Connecticut at the start of her fourth century the evolution of constitutional government in the state of Connecticut / 1
F94.5 .B305 Life in Danbury being a brief but comprehensive record of the doings of a remarkable people, under more remarkable circumstances, and chronicled in a most remarkable manner / 1
F95 .H37 2000 Connecticut : the spirit of America / 2
F95 .H83 1989 Connecticut / 1
F95 .M26 Historic houses of Connecticut open to the public / 1
F95 .M28 1934 Trees of note in Connecticut / 1
F95 .M64 1977 In the country / 2
F95 .R65 1976 Historic houses and interiors in southern Connecticut / 2
F95 .T47 This was Connecticut : images of a vanished world / 2
F95 .T47 1977 This was Connecticut : images of a vanished world / 1
F96 .S87 2023 Archaeology without digging : Connecticut history uncovered by ground-penetrating radar / 1
F97 .B15 Influences toward radicalism in Connecticut, 1754-1775 / 1