Call Number (LC) Title Results
FACULTY PUB Krakoff American Indian law : cases and commentary /
Indian law stories /
FACULTY PUB Krakoff 2015 American Indian law : cases and commentary /
Rethinking sustainability to meet the climate change challenge /
FACULTY PUB Krakoff 2019 Beyond zero-sum environmentalism / 1
FACULTY PUB Krakoff 2020 American Indian law : cases and commentary / 1
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Article 2001 Undoing Indian law one case at a time : judicial minimalism and tribal sovereignity /
Does "law and literature" survive lawyerland? /
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Article 2004 Settling the wilderness /
A narrative of sovereignty : illuminating the paradox of the domestic dependent nation /
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Article 2005 City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation of New York : a regretful postscript to the taxation chapter in Cohen’s Handbook of Federal Indian Law /
Arnold Schwartzenegger and our common future /
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Article 2006 The virtues and vices of sovereignty / 1
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Article (2012) Planetarian identity formation and the relocalization of environmental law / 1
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Article 2012 Inextricably political : race, membership, and tribal sovereignty / 1
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Article 2013 Settler colonialism and reclamation: where american indian law and natural resources law meet / 1
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Article 2014 Constitutional concern, membership, and race /
Law, violence, and the neurotic structure of american indian law /
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Article 2017 They were here first : American Indian tribes, race, and the constitutional minimum / 1
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Article 2019 Environmental injustice and the limits of possibilities for environmental law / 1
FACULTY PUB Krakoff Book Chapter 2009 Healing the West with taxes : the Navajo Nation and the enactment of sovereignty / 1
FACULTY PUB Levin Kirp & Yudof's Educational policy and the law : cases and materials. 1
FACULTY PUB Levin Article 2010 A defensible defense? : reexamining castle doctrine statutes / 1
FACULTY PUB Levin Article 2011/2012 Blue-collar crime : conspiracy, organized labor, and the anti-union civil RICO claim / 1
FACULTY PUB Levin Article 2012 Made in the U.S.A. : corporate responsibility and collective identity in the American automotive industry / 1
FACULTY PUB Levin Article 2012/2013 De-naturalizing criminal law : of public perceptions and procedural protections / 1