Call Number (LC) Title Results
FS2.64..2 Summary report on water pollution, Tennessee River drainage basin. 1
FS 2.64/2:958 Water supply and pollution control : research inventory, active projects, 1958 / 1
FS 2.64:3 Summary report on water pollution, Missouri River drainage basin.
Missouri River drainage basin : summary report on water pollution /
FS2.64..3 Summary report on water pollution, Missouri River drainage basin. 1
FS 2.64/3:F 52/962 Fish, wildlife, and clean water. 2
FS 2.64/3:H 34 Public health and clean water. 1
FS 2.64/3:P 94/960 Proceedings, the national conference on water pollution : December 12-14, 1960, Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. 1
FS 2.64/3:R 24/962 Recreation and clean water. 1
FS 2.64/3:W 29/2 Clean water, a challenge to the Nation : summary report / 1
FS 2.64/3:W 29/962 Clean water : a national resource. 1
FS 2.64:4 Summary report on water pollution, Great Basin drainage basin.
Great Basin drainage basin : summary report on water pollution /
FS2.64..4 Summary report on water pollution, Great Basin drainage basin. 1
FS 2.64/4:F 52 Impacts of pollution on fish and wildlife, recreation and esthetic values / 1
FS 2.64/4:In 2 Needs and obligations of private industry / 1
FS 2.64/4:In 2/2 Discussion of paper on "Effects of water pollution on industry" / 1
FS 2.64/4:In 2/3 Effects of water pollution on industry / 1
FS 2.64/4:In 8 Needs and obligations of interstate agencies / 1
FS 2.64/4:M 92 Needs and obligations of municipalities in keeping water clean / 1
FS 2.64/4:P 76 Pollution: the problem of evaluation / 1
FS 2.64/4:P 93 Priorities for water use / 1