Call Number (LC) Title Results
FS 3.209:67 Children's year : a brief summary of work done and suggestions for follow-up work. 1
FS 3.209:68 Infant mortality : results of a field study in New Bedford, Mass. based on births in one year / 1
FS 3.209:69 The child-welfare special : a suggested method of reaching rural communities / 1
FS 3.209:70 A summary of juvenile-court legislation in the United States / 1
FS 3.209:70-79 Infant mortality : results of a field study in Akron, Ohio, based on births in one year / 1
FS 3.209:71 State commissions for the study and revision of child-welfare laws / 1
FS 3.209:72 Infant mortality : results of a field study in Akron, Ohio, based on births in one year / 1
FS 3.209:73 Child-welfare programs : study outlines for the use of clubs and classes / 1
FS 3.209:75 Illegitimacy as a child-welfare problem. 1
FS 3.209:76 Infant-welfare work in Europe : an account of recent experiences in Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy / 1
FS 3.209:77 Standards of legal protection for children born out of wedlock : a report of regional conferences held under the auspices of the U.S. Children's Bureau and the Intercity Conference on Illegitimacy, Chicago, Ill., February 9-10, 1920, New York, N.Y., February 16-17, 1920. 1
FS 3.209:79 Physical standards for working children : preliminary report of the committee appointed by the Children's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor to formulate standards of normal development and sound health for the use of physicians in examining children entering employment and children at work. 1
FS 3.209:79/rev Physical standards for working children : preliminary report of the committee appointed by the Children's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor to formulate standards of normal development and sound health for the use of physicians in examining children entering employment and children at work. 1
FS 3.209:80 Probation in children's courts / 1
FS 3.209:80-89 The working children of Boston : a study of child labor under a modern system of legal regulation / 1
FS 3.209:81 Children deprived of parental care : a study of children taken under care by Delaware agencies and institutions / 1
FS 3.209:82 The administration of the aid-to-mothers law in Illinois / 1
FS 3.209:83 Breast feeding / 1
FS 3.209:84 Average heights and weights of children under six years of age. 1
FS 3.209:85 Administration of child labor laws. 1