Call Number (LC) Title Results
FS5.3..947_5 Schools for children under six, a report on the status and need for nursery schools and kindergartens. 1
FS 5.3:947/5 Schools for children under six, a report on the status and need for nursery schools and kindergartens. 1
FS5.3..947_6 Education in Nicaragua. 1
FS 5.3:947/6 Education in Nicaragua. 1
FS5.3..947_7 Education in Guatemala. 1
FS 5.3:947/7 Education in Guatemala. 1
FS5.3..947_8 Schools count in country life. 1
FS 5.3:947/8 Schools count in country life. 1
FS5.3..947_9 School-and-work programs, a study of experience in 136 school systems. 1
FS 5.3:947/9 School-and-work programs, a study of experience in 136 school systems. 1
FS5.3..947_10 Education in the Dominican Republic. 1
FS 5.3:947/10 Education in the Dominican Republic. 1
FS5.3..947_11 Teaching as a career. 1
FS 5.3:947/11 Teaching as a career. 1
FS5.3..947_12 Public library statistics, 1944-45. 1
FS 5.3:947/12 Public library statistics, 1944-45. 1
FS5.3..947_13 State administration of school health, physical education, and recreation, a status study. 1
FS 5.3:947/13 State administration of school health, physical education, and recreation, a status study. 1
FS5.3..947_14 Statistics of land-grant colleges and universities, year ended June 30, 1946. 1
FS 5.3:947/14 Statistics of land-grant colleges and universities, year ended June 30, 1946. 1