Call Number (LC) Title Results
FT 1.33:C 26 The cachet of cashmere complying with the Wool Products Labeling Act. 1
FT 1.33:C 76 Consumer reports what insurers need to know. 1
FT 1.33:C 76/2 The contact lens rule a guide for prescribers and sellers. 1
FT 1.33:C 76/3 Using consumer reports What employers need to know. 1
FT 1.33:C 76/4 Using consumer reports what landlords need to know. 1
FT 1.33:C 76/5 Complying with the contact lens rule 1
FT 1.33:C 82 Calling it cotton labeling & advertising cotton products. 1
FT 1.33:C 86/2 Complying with the credit practices rule 1
FT 1.33:C 86/999 Credit reports what information providers need to know. 1
FT 1.33:C 96 Safeguarding customers' personal information a requirement for financial institutions. 1
FT 1.33:D 36 Avoid fake-degree burns by researching academic credentials 1
FT 1.33:D 36/SPAN Evítese problemas con diplomas falsos examinando las credenciales académicas Avoid fake-degree burns by researching academic credentials. 1
FT 1.33:D 62 A business checklist for direct marketers / 1
FT 1.33:D 63 Disclosing energy efficiency information a guide for online sellers of appliances. 1
FT 1.33:D 71/2003 Donating to public safety fund-raisers 1
FT 1.33:D 71/2003/SPAN Cómo hacer donaciones recaudadas para grupos de seguridad pública Donating to public safety fund-raisers. 1
FT 1.33:D 75 Down-- but not out advertising and labeling of feather and down products. 1
FT 1.33:EM 1 The CAN-SPAM Act requirements for commercial emailers. 1
FT 1.33:EN 8 Environmental marketing claims 1
FT 1.33:EN 8/2 Making environmental marketing claims on mail 1