Call Number (LC) Title Results
G101 .E18 1724 The gazetteer's, or newsman's interpreter : being a geographical index ... with the addition of a table of the births, marriages, & c. of all the kings, princes and potentate of Europe... / 1
G101 .E19 1724 The gazetteer's, or newsman's interpreter : being a geographical index ... with the addition of a table of the births, marriages, & c. of all the kings, princes and potentate of Europe... /
The gazetteer's, or newsman's interpreter : being a geographical index of all the considerable cities, patriarchships, bishopricks, universities, dukedoms, earldoms, and such like : imperial and hance-towns, ports, forts, castles, & c /
G101 .F47 1657 Lexicon geographicum in quo universi orbis oppida, urbes, regiones, provinciæ, regna, emporia, academiæ, metropoles, fontes, flumina, & maria antiquis recentibusque nominibus appellata, suisque distantiis descripta recensentur : in duas partes divisum, in priori quarum antiqua nomina recentibus, in altera recentia antiquis præponuntur ... / 2
G101 .F47 1665 Lexicon geographicvm in qvo universi orbis oppida, vrbes, regiones, prouinciæ, regna, emporia, academiæ, metropoles, fontes, flumina, & maria antiquis recentibusque nominibus appellata, suisque distantiis descripta recensentur : in dvas partes divisvm, in priori qvarvm antiqva nomina recentibus, in altera recentia antiquis proponuntur ... / 2
G101 .G46 1662 A Geographical dictionary in which are described the most eminent countreys, towns, ports, seas, streights, and rivers in the whole world : very useful for the understanding of all modern histories. 1
G101 .G46 1676 A Geographical dictionary in which are described the most eminent countreys, towns, ports, seas, streights, and rivers in the whole world : very useful for the understanding of all modern histories. 1
G101 (INTERNET) The gazetteer's, or, Newsman's interpreter being a geographical index of all the considerable cities, patriarchships, bishopricks, universities, dukedoms, earldoms, and such like, imperial and hance towns, ports, forts, castles &c. in Europe : shewing in what kingdoms, provinces, and counties they are in, to what Prince they are now subject, upon or nigh what rivers, bays, seas, mountains &c. they stand, their distances (in English miles) from several other places of note, with their longtitude and latitude according to the best and approved maps : of special use for the true understanding of all modern histories of Europe as well as the present affairs ... / 1
G102 .B19 A universal pronouncing gazetteer ... 1
G102 .B76 1823i Darby's edition of Brooke's Universal gazetteer, or, A new geographical dictionary containing a description of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, cities, towns, forts, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world ; with the government, customs, and manners, of the inhabitants ; the extent, boundaries, and natural productions of each country ; and the trade, manufactures, and curiosities of the cities and towns : to which are added, the Constitution of the United States, and the constitutions of the respective states : illustrated by a neat coloured map of the United States. 1
G102 .B88 1835i A new universal gazetteer containing a description of the principal nations, empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, cities, towns, ports, seas, harbours, rivers, lakes, canals, mountains, volcanoes, capes, caverns, cataracts and grottoes, of the known world : with an account of the extent, boundaries and natural productions of each country; the government, customs, manners and religion of the inhabitants; the trade, manufactures, and curiosities, of the cities and towns, with their longitude and latitude, bearing and distance in English miles from remarkable places; and the various historical events by which they have been distinguished / 1
G102 .H29 Harper's statistical gazetteer of the world 1
G102 .L57 1864i Lippincott's pronouncing gazetteer a complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dictionary of the world : containing a notice and the pronounciation of the names of nearly one hundred thousand places : with the most recent and authentic information respecting the countries, islands, rivers, mountains, cities, towns, &c. in every portion of the globe : including the latest and most reliable statistics of population, commerce, etc. : also, a complete etymological vocabulary of geographical names, and many other valuable features, to be found in no other gazetteer in the English language / 1
G102 .M23 1841 A dictionary, geographical, statistical, and historical : of the various countries, places and principal natural objects in the world / 1
G102 .M89 A new gazetteer of the Eastern continent, or, A geographical dictionary: containing, in alphabetical order, a description of all the countries, kingdoms, states, cities, towns, principal rivers, lakes, harbors, mountains, &c., &c. in Europe, Asia, and Africa, with their adjacent islands / 1
G103 A guide to countries of the world
A guide to countries of the world /
G103 .C47 1954 The Macmillan world gazetteer and geographical dictionary / 1
G103 .C47 1955 The Macmillan world gazetteer and geographical dictionary / 1
G103 .C65 Cowles encyclopedia of nations. 1
G103 .C67 Cowles encyclopedia of nations. 1
G103 .D53 Dictionnaire de géographie ancienne et moderne à l'usage du libraire et de l'amateur de livres : contenant 1o, Les noms anciens, grecs et latins ... 2o, Les recherches les plus étendues et les plus consciencieuses sur les origines de la typographie ... 3o, Un dictionnaire français-latin des noms de lieux ... / 1