Call Number (LC) Title Results
G109.5 .X83 2007 GPS : theory, algorithms, and applications / 2
G109.5 .X83 2016eb GPS : theory, algorithms, and applications / 1
G109.5 ebook Sistema de posicionamiento global (GPS) /
Arcview 9.X /
G109.53.P43 Pedestrian inertial navigation with self-contained aiding / 1
G110.E53 N67 A table shewing the distances betweene all the cities and shire townes of England, that are comprehended in the same 1
G110 .E6 1600 A Table of the cheiffest citties, and townes in England, as they ly [sic] from London and the distance of miles, howe a man may travill from London to any of them or from any of them to London. 1
G112 .A25 Spatial organization : the geographer's view of the world /
Spatial organization; the geographer's view of the world
G112 .H78 Ying huan zhi lue : [10 juan] / 1
G113-138.5 Atlas of South America / 1
G113 (INTERNET) A briefe description of vniuersal mappes and cardes, and of their vse and also the vse of Ptholemey his tables. Necessarie for those that delight in reading of histories : and also for traueilers by land or sea /
Mikrokosmos A little description of the great world. Augmented and reuised. /
A treatyse of the newe India with other new founde landes and islandes, aswell eastwarde as westwarde, as they are knowen and found in these oure dayes, after the description of Sebastian Munster in his boke of universall cosmographie : wherin the diligent reader may see the good successe and rewarde of noble and honeste enterpryses ... /
A briefe collection and compendious extract of the strau[n]ge and memorable things, gathered oute of the cosmographye of Sebastian Munster Where in is made a playne descrypunge lavves rites, manners, and properties of sundry nacio[n]s, and a short reporte of straunge histories of diuerse men, and of the nature and properties of certayne fovvles, fishes, beastes, monsters, and sundrie countries and places.
G114 .B65 A geographical description of the four parts of the world taken from the notes and workes of the famous Monsieur Sanson, geographer to the French king, and other eminent travellers and authors to which are added the commodities, coyns, weights, and measures of the chief places of traffick in the world; compared with those of England, (or London) as to the trade thereof. Also, a treatise of travel, and another of traffick / 1
G114 .C52 A geographicall description of all the countries in the known vvorld as also of the greatest and famousest cities and fabricks which have been, or are now remaining : together with the greatest rivers, the strangest fountains, the various minerals, stones, trees ... which are to be found in every country : unto which is added, a description of the rarest beasts, fowls ... which are least known amongst us / 2
G114 .G88 1794i A new system of modern geography, or, A geographical, historical, and commercial grammar and present state of the several nations of the world : containing I. The figures, motions, and distances of the planets, according to the Newtonian system and the latest observations. II. A general view of the earth, considered as a planet, with several useful geographical definitions and problems. III. The grand divisions of the globe into land and water, continents and islands. IV. The situation and extent of empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, and colonies. V. Their climates, air, soil, vegetables, productions, metals, minerals, natural curiosities, seas, rivers, bays, promontories, and lakes. VI. The birds and beasts peculiar to each country. VII. Observations on the changes that have been any where observed upon the face of nature, since the most early periods of history. VIII. The history and origin of nations; their forms of government, religion, laws, revenues, taxes, naval and military strength. IX. The genius, manners, customs, and habits of the people. X. Their language, learning, arts, sciences, manufactures, and commerce. XI. The chief cities, structures, ruins, and artificial curiosities. XII. The longitude, latitude, bearings, and distances of principal places from Philadelphia : to which are added, I. A geographical index, with the names and places alphabetically arranged. II. A table of the coins of all nations, and their value in dollars and cents. III. A chronological table of remarkable events, from the creation to the present time. IV. The late didcoveries of Herschell, and other astronomers / 1
G114 .H49 Cosmographie in four books containing the chorographie and historie of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof /
Cosmographie in four bookes : containing the chorographie and historie of the whole vvorld, and all the principall kingdomes, provinces, seas and isles thereof /
Cosmographie, in four books containing the chorographie and historie of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof /
G114 .H49 1666 Cosmographie, in four books. Containing the chorographie and historie of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof. / 1
G114 .H49 1669 Cosmographie in four books : containing the chorographie and historie of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof / 1
G114 .H49 1670 Cosmography in four books : containing the chorography and history of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof / 1
G114 .H49 1674 Cosmography in four books. Containing the chorography and history of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof. /
Cosmography in four books containing the chorography and history of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof /
G114 .H49 1677 Cosmography in four books containing the chorography and history of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof /
Cosmography in four books containing the chorography and history of the whole world and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof /
G114 .H49 1682 Cosmography in four books containing the chorography and historie of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof / 1