Call Number (LC) Title Results
G114 .H6 1631 [Micrócosmos], a little description of the great world 1
G114 .H62 1657 Cosmographie in four bookes. : Containing the chorographie and historie of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof. / 1
G114 .H62 1936 Peter Heylyn's cosmography of New Mexico. 1
G114 (INTERNET) Geography anatomiz'd, or, The compleat geographical grammar being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography after a new and curious method /
A geographicall description of all the countries in the known vvorld as also of the greatest and famousest cities and fabricks which have been, or are now remaining : together with the greatest rivers, the strangest fountains, the various minerals, stones, trees ... which are to be found in every country : unto which is added, a description of the rarest beasts, fowls ... which are least known amongst us /
A description of the whole world with some general rules touching the use of the globe : wherein is contained the situation of several countries, their particular and distinct governments, religions, arms, and degrees of honour used among them ... /
Cosmography, or, A description of the whole world represented (by a more exact and certain discovery) in the excellencies of its scituation, commodities, inhabitants, and history : of their particular and distinct governments, religions, arms, and degrees of honour used amongst them : enlarged with very many and rare additions : very delightful to be read in so small a volum. /
Relations of the most famous kingdomes and common-wealths thorowout the world discoursing of their situations, religions, languages, manners, customes, strengths, greatnesse, and policies /
The trauellers breuiat, or, An historicall description of the most famous kingdomes in the world relating their situations, amnners, customes, ciuill gouernment, and other memorable matters /
Geographie delineated forth in two bookes Containing the sphericall and topicall parts thereof /
Your match would be here.
G114 .R38 A view of the English acquisitions in Guinea and the East Indies with an account of the religion, government, wars, strange customs, beasts, serpents, monsters, and other observables in those countries : together with a description of the Isle of St. Helena and the Bay of Sculdania where the English usually refresh in their voyages to the Indies : intermixt with pleasant relations and enlivened with picture / 2
G114 .V37 1672 Geographia generalis in qua affectiones generales telluris explicantur : summa cura quam plurimis in locis emendata & XXXIII schematibus novis, ære incisis, una cum tabb aliquot quæ desiderabantur aucta & illustrata / 2
G115 .A49 Leyendas y tradiciones de Pochutla, Oax. / 1
G115 .D39 bd. 151, nr. 6 Die untere Eleonore Bay Formation im Alpefjord. 1
G115 .G45 no.12 Géographie des frontières : préface d'André Siegfried. 1
G115 .G46 Géographie universelle. 1
G115 .G55 t. 6 Géographie économique et humaine de la France. 1
G115 .G553 Géographie universelle Larousse / 1
G115 .G5533 Larousse encyclopedia of geography / 1
G115 .G5535 Larousse encyclopedia of world geography / 1
G115 .J3 An outline of geography / 1
G115 .K35 1868 Vergleichende allgemeine Erdkunde in wissenschaftlicher Darstellung. 1
G115 .M25 Géographie universelle de Malte-Brun / 1
G115 .M25 1863 A description of all parts of the world according to the great natural divisions of the globe ... , or, Universal geography / 1
G115 .M40 1891 Geografia universal : astronómica, física, política, descriptiva, comercial y estadística con la particular de España y Portugal y un estudio geográfico militar de la península / 1
G115 .M59 Global geography / 1