Call Number (LC) Title Results
G149.7 .H35 2010eb Official Tourism Websites : a Discourse Analysis Perspective. 1
G149.7.H36 2004 Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism & the Internet. 1
G149.7 .S64 2016 Social networks and travel behaviour 1
G149.9 .A77 2019 Artes apodemicae and early modern travel culture, 1550-1700 / 1
G149.9 .C53 1999 Pleasure and guilt on the grand tour : travel writing and imaginative geography 1600-1830 / 1
G149.9 .H37 1595 A discovrse of the miserable captiuitie of an Englishman, named Richard Hasleton, borne in Braintree in Essex, declaring also his cruell moments during ten years of space, and his vvonderfull deliuerance: being a very strange thing to such as shall reade the same, he bein now by Gods prouidence safelie arriued in his ovvne countrie, no doubt to his great comfort. Penned as he delivered it from his owne mouth. 1
G149.9 (INTERNET) A direction for trauailers
A treatise of direction, how to travell safely and profitably into forraigne countries
Certaine briefe, and speciall instructions for gentlemen, merchants, students, souldiers, marriners, &c. employed in seruices abrode, or anie way occasioned to conuerse in the kingdomes, and gouernementes of forren princes
Profitable instructions describing what speciall obseruations are to be taken by trauellers in all nations, states and countries; pleasant and profitable. /
G149.9 R533 2017 Travel, Discovery, Transformation / 1
G149.9 .S55 1602 A true discourse, of the late voyage made by the right worshipfull Sir Thomas Sherley the yonger, knight: on the coast of Spaine, with foure ships and two pinnasses: no lesse famous and honourable to his country, then to him selfe glorious and commendable. Wherein is shewed the taking of three townes, Boarco, Tauaredo and Fyguaro, with a castle and a priorie. / 1
G149.9 .T85 1575a The traveiler (1575) / 1
G150 .C63 2011 Travel writing and tourism in Britain and Ireland 1
G150 .C87 1985 Travels with a superior person / 1
G150 .G18 1971b Francis Galton's art of travel (1872) 1
G150 .K4 See Europe next time you go there / 1
G150 .P28 New horizons: living abroad : Pan American's guide to living conditions in 88 countries / 1
G150 .P88 1902a The art of travel : the laboratory study of civilization / 1
G151 Travailler après 60 ans, c'est possible! /
TRAVEL WRITING FOR TOURISM AND CITY BRANDING urban place writing methodologies.
Train tracks : work, play and politics on the railways /
In motion : the experience of travel /
Nurturing mobilities : family travel in the 21st century /
The legacy of the grand tour : new essays on travel, literature, and culture /
Voyage : Miscellanées.
Going abroad : traveling like an anthropologist /
G151 .A35 1988 Travel safety : security safeguards at home and abroad / 1
G151 .A53 2016 Anderson's travel companion a guide to the best non-fiction and fiction for travelling / 1
G151 .A55 2005eb The frequent traveler's guide / 2