Call Number (LC) Title Results
G1757.C8E38 A85 2018 Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico del Nuevo Cuyo / 1
G1770 .F47 2000 Atlas Paraguay : cartografía didáctica / 1
G1775 .B7 1966 Atlas nacional do Brasil. 1
G1775 .I52 2010 Atlas nacional do Brasil Milton Santos / 1
G1775 .M3 1993 Mapa : imagens da formação territorial brasileira = images of Brazil's territorial genesis = imagenes de la formacion territorial brasileña / 1
G1775 .P386 1936 Atlas geographico geral e especialmente do Brasil / 1
G1776.S1 .A85 2022 O Atlântico Sul na construção do Brasil independente : tesouros da cartografia na coleção da Biblioteca da Marinha (1700-1822) / 1
G1778.A4 A4 1966 Atlas do Amapá 1
G1778.B3 R6 1963 Atlas prévio dos falares baianos / 1
G1781.H8 M8 1960 Petroleum development and generalized geology of Africa and Middle East. : Oct. 1960 / 1
G1781.S1 .C4 2005 Centennia historical atlas 1
G1781.S1 .H3 2005 The Palgrave atlas of Byzantine history / 1
G1781.S1 H3 2005 The Palgrave atlas of Byzantine history / 1
G1782.M4C5 T7 2004 The TRANSMED atlas : the Mediterranean region from crust to mantle : geological and geophysical framework of the Mediterranean and the surrounding areas / 1
G1782.M4C8 U5 1987 U.S. Navy climatic study of the Mediterranean Sea / 1
G1782.M4S1 L4 2022 Atlas historique de la Méditerranée / 1
G1785 .B313 2017 Atlas of the Near East : state formation and the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1918-2010 / 1
G1785 .C6 1983 Atlas du monde arabo-islamique à l'époque classique : IXe-Xe siècles / 1
G1785 .D5 1960a Atlas of the Arab world and the Middle East / 1
G1785 .E2 1960 The Middle East and North Africa / 1