Call Number (LC) Title Results
G1796.S62 U5 1958 Atlas to accompany Napoleon as a General by Count Yorck von Wartenburg / 1
G1797.S1 R6 2010 An atlas of the Peninsular War 1808-1814 / 1
G1797.2 .E2 1992 The Economist atlas of the new Europe. 2
G1797.2 .F7 1999 Euro city planer. 1
G1797.2.P2 A22 1993 ABC Gran atlas de carreteras de Europa. 1
G1797.21.C5 G4 1978 Geological atlas of Alpine Europe and adjoining Alpine areas / 1
G1797.21.C58 G46 2005 Geochemical atlas of Europe / 1
G1797.21.C813 A7 1996 Atlas of Mediterranean environments in Europe : the desertification context / 1
G1797.21.C83 E9 1996 European solar radiation atlas : solar radiation on horizontal and inclined surfaces / 1
G1797.21.D2 H8 1983 An atlas of past and present pollen maps for Europe, 0-13,000 years ago / 1
G1797.21.E29 G48 1982 The Macmillan atlas of the Holocaust / 1
G1797.21.E29 G4815 1995 Endlösung : die Vertreibung und Vernichtung der Juden : ein Atlas / 1
G1797.21.E29 G5 1994 The Holocaust : maps and photographs : a record of the destruction of Jewish life in Europe during the dark years of Nazi rule / 1
G1797.21.E29 G58 1993 Atlas of the Holocaust / 2
G1797.21.E29 G58 2009 The Routledge atlas of the Holocaust / 1
G1797.21.E29 G583 2002 The Routledge atlas of the Holocaust / 1
G1797.21.E29 H5 1995 Historical atlas of the Holocaust / 1
G1797.21.E29 H5 1996 Historical atlas of the Holocaust / 1
G1797.21.E3 A8 1983 Atlas linguarum Europae : ALE / 1