Call Number (LC) Title Results
G420.K94 L1913 1993 Remarks and observations on a voyage around the world from 1803 to 1807 / 1
G420.K94 L2 Voyages and travels in various parts of the world : during the years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, and 1807 / 1
G420.L2 L45 The mystery of La Pérouse. 1
G420 .L222 1969 Voyages and adventures of La Pérouse /
Voyages and adventures of La Pérouse.
G420.L28 E413 2001 Voyage to Australia & the Pacific, 1791-1793 / 1
G420.L28 E5 Relation du voyage à la recherche de La Pérouse / 1
G420.L858 L68 2003 The first Russian voyage around the world : the journal of Hermann Ludwig von Löwenstern (1803-1806) / 1
G420.L86 ebook  
G420.M2 First Voyage Around the World (1519-1522) : An Account of Magellan's Expedition / 1
G420.M2 B47 2003 Over the edge of the world : Magellan's terrifying circumnavigation of the globe / 1
G420.M2 ebook Primer viaje alrededor del mundo /
Magallanes y Elcano : travesía al fin del mundo : la escalofriante epopeya de la primera vuelta al mundo /
Primer viaje alrededor del mundo
Primera vuelta al mundo de Elcano y Magallanes /
G420.M2 F7 1944 Fernando de Magallanes / 1
G420.M2 J69 1992 Magellan / 2
G420.M2 M38 2020eb Más allá de los mares conocidos : cinco siglos de la expedición Magallanes-Elcano / 2
G420.M2 P54 2007 The first voyage around the world, 1519-1522 : an account of Magellan's expedition / 1
G420.M2 P6113 1969 The voyage of Magellan; the journal of Antonio Pigafetta. 1
G420.M2 P6618 2008eb  
G420.M2 P69613 1995 The first voyage around the world (1519-1522) : an account of Magellan's expedition / 1
G420.M23 K45 2003eb Alejandro Malaspina : portrait of a visionary / 2
G420.P377 T547 1951 Farewell windjammer : an account of the last circumnavigation of the globe by a sailing ship and the last grain race from Australia to England / 1