G6299.A9 1549 .C5 1974
Ciuitas Augustana olim Vindelica, hodie Rhetica, toto orbe terrarum notissima. |
1 |
G6299.B3 1749 .L3 1968
Plan de la ville de Berlin, capitale de l'electorat de Brandebourg et la residence ordinaire du roi de Prusse / |
1 |
G6299.B3 1845 .B4 2005
Berlin 1845. |
1 |
G6299.B3 1985 .R5
Stadtplan Berlin, Massstab 1:25 000 mit Hausnummern = City map = Plan de ville. |
1 |
G6299.B3 2001.B47eb
Berlin / |
1 |
G6299.B3E635 1963 .V47
Berlin / |
1 |
G6299.B3F7 1938 .U5
Berlin : district boundaries, 27 March 1938 / |
1 |
G6299.B3P55 1943 .U5
Plan of Berlin with harbors and loading areas leased to "Behala" (Berliner Hafen-und Lagerhäuser A.G.) |
1 |
G6299.B32 1975 .L3
Stadtplan Bernburg / |
1 |
G6299.B4 1985 .U5
The Berlin region. |
1 |
G6299.B4 1989 .U5
The Berlin region. |
1 |
G6299.C5 1970 .L3
Stadtplan Karl-Marx-Stadt mit Strassenverzeichnis ohne Randgebiete / |
1 |
G6299.C6 1695 .W5 1969
Colonia agrippina. Cölln / |
1 |
G6299.C6 1944 2015 .G7
G6299.D3P53 1944 .U5
Canalization of Darmstadt : [Germany] |
1 |
G6299.D8 1944 .G7 2010
Old maps of the Rhineland. |
1 |
G6299.D8 1982 .M3
Generalstadtplan Düsseldorf, Neuss. |
1 |
G6299.D875 1945 .G7 2010
Old maps of the Rhineland. |
1 |
G6299.F6 1695 .W5 1969
Francofurtum ad mœnum, vulgo Franckfurt am Main. |
1 |
G6299.F6 1845 .M4 2000
Frankfurt (am Mayn) 1845. |
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