Call Number (LC) Title Results
G6511.P2 1977 .R3 Ceskoslovensko = Tschechoslowakei = Czechoslovakia = Tchécoslovaquie. 1
G6511.P2 1998 .V6 Automapa České republiky : 1:400 000 / 1
G6511.P2 2003 .R4 Tschechien = Czech Republic 1:350,000 / 1
G6511.P2 2004 .S4 Česko = Tschechien = Czechia = Csehorszách. 1
G6513.B6 1794 .J4 19-- Kingdom of Bohemia with the Dutchy of Silesia and the Marquisates of Moravia and Lusatia / 1
G6513.B6 1844 .A9 19-- Mittel-Östliches Deutschland oder Böhmen, Mähren, und Schlesien vc. / 1
G6514.P7 1493 .S3 1969 Praga. 1
G6514.P7 1791 .H4 1991 Praha 1791, faksimile Hergetova plánu = Faksimile des Hergetschen Plan = The facsimile of the Herget map / 1
G6514.P7 1791 .H4 1991 MLC Praha 1791, faksimile Hergetova plánu = Faksimile des Hergetschen Plan = The facsimile of the Herget map / 1
G6514.P7 1980 .V6 Praga. 1
G6514.P7 1994 .K3 Praha : stadtplan = plán mĕsta = town plan = plan de la ville = pianta della città = plan goroda. 1
G6514.P7E635 1991 .K3 Praha = Plan von Kulturdenkwürdigkeiten = [Plan pami︠a︡tnikov kulʹtury] = Cultural monuments / 1
G6514.P7E635 2006 .I5 Prague, Czech Republic = Praha, Ceska Republika / 1
G6514.P7E635 2008 B6 Prague : Old Town & Lesser Quarter, Prague, Prague Castle, Prague & region, Czech Republic (west) : updated, durable, water-repellent, write-on wipe-off surface / 1
G6515 1999 -- .S56eb Hypsometric Map Europe Slovakia /
Political Map Europe Slovakia /
G6516.E1 1930 .U5 Sketch map : distribution of Hungarian population in southern Slovakia (based on 1930 Czechoslovakia census) / 1
G6516.E635 2006 .C3 Slovakia, scale 1:300,000. 1
G6516.E635 2013 .N3 Slovakia, Europe, adventure travel map : revised regularly, waterproof, tear-resistant / 1
G6516.P2 1996 .F7 Slovakia = Slovaquie = Slovacchia = Slowakei = Slovensko / 1
G6517.T3 1885 .W3 19-- Hungary, Hohe Tatra--Zips Magura, 1885. 1