Call Number (LC) Title Results
G70.39 .I47 1998 Imaging system technology for remote sensing 16-17 September 1998, Beijing, China / 1
G70.39 .I52 1997 Image processing, signal processing, and synthetic aperture radar for remote sensing : 22-26 September 1997, London, UK / 1
G70.39.I522 2013 Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXV : 7-8 August 2017, San Diego, California, United States / 1
G70.39 .I525 1998 Imaging system technology for remote sensing : 16-17 September 1998, Beijing, China / 1
G70.39 .I53 1993 Infrared spaceborne remote sensing 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California / 1
G70.39 .I53 1996 Infrared spaceborne remote sensing IV 6-7 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado / 1
G70.39 .I53 1997 Infrared spaceborne remote sensing V 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California / 1
G70.39 .I53 1998 Infrared spaceborne remote sensing VI 22-24 July 1998, San Diego, California / 1
G70.39 .I53 2000 Infrared spaceborne remote sensing VIII 31 July-August 1, 2000, San Diego, USA / 1
G70.39 .I532 1994 Infrared spaceborne remote sensing II 27-29 July 1994, San Diego, California / 1
G70.39 .I54 2002 Infrared spaceborne remote sensing IX 1-3 August, 2001, San Diego, USA / 1
G70.39 I547 2016 Infrared remote sensing and instrumentation XXIV 29-30 August 2015, San Diego, California, United States / 1
G70.39 .I57 2003 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images : Multitemp 2003, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, 16-18 July 2003. 1
G70.39 .I575 1997 Physical measurements and signatures in remote sensing : proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing, Courchevel, France, 7-11 April 1997 / 1
G70.39 .I577 2006 Spectral sensing research for water monitoring applications and frontier science and technology for chemical, biological and radiological defense / 1
G70.39 .I58 2008eb Advances in land remote sensing system, modelling, inversion and application / 1
G70.39 .I584 2007e MIPPR 2007 Remote sensing and GIS data processing and applications, and Innovative multispectral technology and applications : 15-17 November 2007, Wuhan, China / 1
G70.39 .I584 2008 Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment. 28-29 June 2008, Guangzhou, China / 1
G70.39 .I584 2009 MIPPR 2009 remote sensing and GIS data processing and other applications : 30 October-1 November 2009, Yichang, China / 1
G70.39 .I5845 2011e MIPPR 2011 remote sensing, image processing, geographic information systems, and other applications : 4-6 November 2011, Guilin, China / 1