Call Number (LC) Title Results
G7962.K47C2 1977 .K5 Kii-suidō nanpō hyōsō taisekizu = Sedimentological map of the south of Kii Strait / 1
G7962.K9 1945 .U55 Northwest Kyushu 1
G7962.K9E635 1988 .J5 J.G.M. for roads & sight-seeings, handy map of Kyushu : Kitakyushu, Beppu, Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Nagasaki, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Sasebo / 1
G7962.K9 s50 .U5 Kyūshū 1:50,000. 1
G7962.M48E635 1972 .J5 J.G.M. for sight seeings, handy map of Kamakura, Yokosuka, Enoshima, Hayama, Zushi, Miura / 1
G7962.O595C5 1982 .O4 Oki Kaikyō kaitei chishitsuzu = Geological map of Oki Strait / 1
G7962.O6E635 1968 .B5 Pleasant touring in Okinawa, 1968. 1
G7962.R9P5 1975 .U55 Asia, Philippine Sea, Ryukyu Islands (Nansei Shoto), including Daito Hima / 1
G7962.T6C2 1977 .H3 Hachinohe-oki hyōsō taisekizu = Sedimentological map of offing of Hachinohe / 1
G7962.T6C5 1978 .H3 Hachinoke-oki kaitei chishitsuzu = Geological map off Hachinohe / 1
G7962.T6P2 1985 .J5 J.G.M. for sight-seeings, handy map of Tohoku : Amomori, Misawa, Akita, Yamagata, Morioka, Sendai, Fukushima / 1
G7962.T85C2 1975 .B6 Bottom sediment map, Tsushima & Goto Islands area / 1
G7963.F86 A1 1945, .U54 Japan: Fukuoka-ken 1
G7963.K8 A1 1945, .U54 Japan: Kumanoto-ken 1
G7963.O65 1945 .U55 Southern Okinawa 1
G7963.O65E635 1985 .J5 J.G.M. for sight-seeings, handy map of Okinawa : Naha, Nago, Kadena Air Base, with main traffic signs = [Okinawa-ken kanko doro chizu] / 1
G7964.A1 1943 .U55 1946 Japan city plans 1
G7964.A1 svar .U55 Japan city plans 1
G7964.H2361G4 1963 .H3 Land use map in Hanshin metropolitan region. 1
G7964.K124A35 1669 .M6 1974 Cangoxuma. 1