Call Number (LC) Title Results
G8350 1977 .U5 Somalia and Djibouti. 1
G8350 1992 .U5 Somalia. 1
G8350 1992 .U55 Somalia. 1
G8350 1999 -- .S66eb Hypsometric Map Africa Somalia /
Political Map Africa Somalia /
G8350 2002 .U5 Somalia, summary map. 1
G8350 2012 .U5 Somalia : country profile. 1
G8360 1999 -- .D55eb Political Map Africa Djibouti / 1
G8364.T835 1943 .G7a Tripoli : city plan / 1
G8401.P2 2003 .R4 Südafrika = South Africa, Lesotho, Swasiland 1:1,700,000 / 1
G8410 1974 .U5 Kenya. 1
G8410 1989 .K3 Kenya, Tanzania : Kenya, Tanzania 1:2 500 000, Nairobi city map 1:16 000, Dar es Salaam city map 1:17 000, Mt. Kilimanjaro 1:1 000 000, Mt. Kenya 1:1 000 000, Pemba I. 1:600 000, Zanzibar I. 1:600 000, administrative map 1:10 000 000 = Kenia, Tansania 1:2 500 000 ... Karte der Verwaltungseinteilung 1:10 000 000 / 1
G8410 1999 -- .K46eb Hypsometric Map Africa Kenya /
Political Map Africa Kenya /
G8412.K4 1988 .W51 Mount Kenya / 1
G8412.K4E63 1991 .W5 Mount Kenya : 1:50,000 map and guide / 1
G8412.M6E63 1989 .W5 Mount Elgon : map and guide. 1
G8414.N2 2000 .T6 Expanded map of Nairobi and suburbs / 1
G8414.N2 2001.N35eb Nairobi / 1
G8420 1970 .U5 Uganda. 1
G8420 1999 -- .U33eb Hypsometric Map Africa Uganda /
Political Map Africa Uganda /
G8421.F7 1997 .M3 Uganda administrative divisions : July 1997. 1