GA 1.13:CED-77-130
Federal interests should receive more consideration under the forest highway program. |
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GA 1.13:CED-77-131
The Concorde - results of a supersonic aircraft's entry into the United States : report of the Comptroller General of the United States. |
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GA 1.13:CED-77-132
Responsibilities, actions, and coordination of Federal agencies in international telecommunications services : report of the Comptroller General of the United States. |
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GA 1.13:CED-77-135
Congressional clarification needed on eligibility for waivers of non-Federal contributions for dredged material confined disposal plants : report of the Comptroller General of the United States. |
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GA 1.13:CED-77-136
The Office of Minority Business Enterprise could do more to start and maintain minority businesses : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:CED-77-137
California drought of 1976 and 1977 -- extent, damage, and governmental response : report of the Comptroller General of the United States. |
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GA 1.13:CED-77-138
Changes needed in procedures for setting freight-car rental rates. |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-1
Improvements needed by the Water Resources Council and river basin commissions : to achieve the objectives of the Water resources planning act of 1965. |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-3
Combined truck/rail transportation service : action needed to enhance effectiveness : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-6
National water quality goals cannot be attained without more attention to pollution from diffused or "nonpoint" sources : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-8
The military services are constructing unneeded family housing : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-9
Special pesticide registration by the Environmental Protection Agency should be improved : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-10
Highway construction zone safety : not yet achieved. |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-11
A better way for the Department of Agriculture to inspect meat and poultry processing plants : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-12
Opportunities for large savings by altering some inland waterway operations : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-15
Timber harvest levels for national forests - : how good are they? : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-17
Improvements needed in the Corps of Engineers' regulatory program for protecting the nation's waters. |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-18
Effectiveness of vehicle safety inspections neither proven or unproven : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-19
Is the administrative flexibility originally provided to the U.S. Railway Association still needed? : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:CED-78-21
Stronger Federal enforcements needed to uphold fair housing laws : report to the Congress / |
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