Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-45 Failure of registrants to report address changes would diminish fairness of induction processing : report to the director Selective Service System / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-47 Special pay and benefits granted to select groups of general schedule employees report to the chairman, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, House of Representatives / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-49 Comparison of collectively bargained and administratively set pay rates for federal employees : report / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-49/sum Comparison of collectively bargained and administratively set pay rates for federal employees : summary : report / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-50 Army needs better data to develop policies for sole and inservice parents : report to the Secretary of the Army / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-53 [Success of the programmed school input program justifies expansion] 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-54 [Part-time employment in the Federal Government] : [microfiche]. 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-56 Millions spent needlessly in Navy and Marine Corps' aviation bonus program : report / / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-57 Information on military technician conversions to full-time active duty guard and reserve report to Stephen J. Solarz, House of Representatives / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-59 Problems in Implementing the Army's CAPSTONE Program to Provide All Reserve Components With a Wartime Mission 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-61 OPM needs to provide better guidance to agencies for approving government-funded college courses for employees : report to William Proxmire, United States Senate / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-68 Inquiry into alleged operation and management problems in EEOC's Office of Review and Appeals : report / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-69 [Army's initiatives to improve the skill qualification test program may not achieve promised changes 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-70 Perspectives on the effectiveness of service enlisted bonus programs : study / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-76 [Information on the funded legal education program] 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-82-78 [Observations on the April 15, 1982, joint services report, "Military pay adjustment mechanism study"] 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-83-2 Army's ability to expand training base upon mobilization remains limited [report to] the Honorable John O. Marsh, Jr., Secretary of the Army / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-83-3 Federal agencies' unemployment compensation costs can be reduced through improved management : report / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-83-5 Steps can be taken to improve federal labor-management relations and reduce the number and costs of unfair labor practice charges : report / 1
GA 1.13:FPCD-83-6 Army's ability to mobilize and use retirees as planned is doubtful [review] : [for] The Honorable John O. Marsh, Jr., The Secretary of the Army. 1