Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-801 |
Contract management : DOD's profit policy provision to stimulate innovation needs clarification : report to the Honorable Tom Harkin, U.S. Senate / Contract management DOD's profit policy provision to stimulate innovation needs clarification. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-01-803 | Foreign affairs : internally displaced persons lack effective protection : report to the chairman and the ranking minorty member, Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-804 |
District of Columbia comments on fiscal year 2000 performance report. District of Columbia : comments on fiscal year 2000 performance report : report to congressional subcommittees / |
2 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-805 | Facilities location : agencies should pay more attention to costs and Rural Development Act : report to Senator Byron L. Dorgan, U.S. Senate / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-806 |
Nuclear security DOE needs to improve control over classified information. Nuclear security : DOE needs to improve control over classified information : report to the chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / |
2 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-808 | Foreign assistance : lessons learned from donors' experiences in the Pacific Region : report to congressional requesters / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-810 | Chemical risk assessment : selected federal agencies' procedures, assumptions, and policies : report to congressional requesters / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-811 |
Intellectual property state immunity in infringement actions. Intellectual property : state immunity in infringement actions : report to the honorable Orrin G. Hatch, ranking minority member, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate / Intellectual property : state immunity in infringement actions : report to the Honorable Orrin G. Hatch, Ranking Minority Member, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate / |
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GA 1.13:GAO-01-812 | Human capital : implementing an effective workforce strategy would help EPA to achieve its strategic goals : report to the ranking minority member, Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-813 |
Hazardous waste EPA's national and regional ombudsmen do not have sufficient independence : report to congressional requesters / Hazardous waste : EPA's national and regional ombudsmen do not have sufficient independence : report to Congressional requesters / Hazardous waste : EPA's national and regional ombudsmen do not have sufficient independence / |
3 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-815 | Agricultural pesticides management improvements needed to further promote integrated pest management / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-816 |
Skilled nursing facilities services excluded from medicare's daily rate need to be reevaluated : report to the congressional committees / Skilled nursing facilities : services excluded from medicare's daily rate need to be reevaluated / |
2 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-817 | Medicare management CMS faces challenges to sustain progress and address weaknesses : report to congressional requesters / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-818 | Health care consultants' billing advice may lead to improperly paid insurance claims. | 1 |
GA1.13:GAO-01-818 | Health care : consultants' billing advice may lead to improperly paid insurance claims : the Honorable Charles E. Grassley, ranking minority member, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-821 | Aviation rulemaking further reform is needed to address long-standing problems : report to the Chairman, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-822 |
Combating terrorism : selected challenges and related recommendations : report to Congressional committees / Combating terrorism selected challenges and related recommendations : report to Congressional requesters. |
2 |
GA1.13:GAO-01-822 | Combating Terrorism : Selected Challenges and Related Recommendations. | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-823 | Department of Energy status of achieving key outcomes and addressing major management challenges : report to the ranking minority member, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-01-824 |
Medicare information systems modernization needs stronger management and support : report to Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives. Medicare : information systems modernization needs stronger management and support : report to Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives. |
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