Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.13:GAO-06-646 Ryan White Care Act improved oversight needed to ensure AIDS drug assistance programs obtain best prices for drugs : report to congressional requesters. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-647 Information Technology Agencies and OMB Should Strengthen Processes for Identifying and Overseeing High Risk Projects.
Information technology agencies and OMB should strengthen processes for identifying and overseeing high risk projects : report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives.
GA 1.13:GAO-06-648 VA health care selected credentialing requirements at seven medical facilities met, but an aspect of privileging process needs improvement : report to the Chairman, Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-649 Foster care and adoption assistance federal oversight needed to safeguard funds and ensure consistent support for states' administrative costs : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Human Resources, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-654 Medicare communications to beneficiaries on the prescription drug benefit could be improved : report to congressional requesters. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-655 Expedited Assistance for Victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita FEMA's Control Weaknesses Exposed the Government to Significant Fraud and Abuse.
Expedited assistance for victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita FEMA's control weaknesses exposed the government to significant fraud and abuse : report to congressional committees.
GA 1.13:GAO-06-656 Employment arrangements improved outreach could help ensure proper worker classification : report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. Senate. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-658 Business Systems Modernization DOD Continues To Improve Institutional Approach, but Further Steps Needed.
Business systems modernization DOD continues to improve institutional approach, but further steps needed : report to congressional committees.
GA 1.13:GAO-06-659 Information Security Federal Reserve Needs To Address Treasury Auction Systems.
Information security Federal Reserve needs to address Treasury auction systems : report to the Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
GA 1.13:GAO-06-661 No Child Left Behind Act states face challenges measuring academic growth that Education's initiatives may help address : report to congressional requesters. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-664 WIC program more detailed price and quantity data could enhance Agriculture's assessment of WIC program expenditures : report to congressional requesters. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-666 Defense acquisitions further management and oversight changes needed for efforts to modernize Cheyenne Mountain attack warning systems : report to congressional committees. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-668 Energy security issues related to potential reductions in Venezuelan oil production : report to the Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-669 Clean Air Act EPA should improve the management of its air toxics program : report to Congressional requesters. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-670 Wildland fire rehabilitation and restoration Forest Service and BLM could benefit from improved information on status of needed work : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, Committee on Resources, House of Representatives. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-672 Internet Infrastructure DHS Faces Challenges in Developing a Joint Public/Private Recovery Plan.
Internet infrastructure DHS faces challenges in developing a joint public/private recovery plan : report to congressional requesters.
GA 1.13:GAO-06-674 Personal information key federal privacy laws do not require information resellers to safeguard all sensitive data : report to the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-675 Internet Protocol Version 6 Federal Government in Early Stages of Transition and Key Challenges Remain.
Internet protocol version 6 federal government in early states of transition and key challenges remain : report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives.
GA 1.13:GAO-06-676 Privacy domestic and offshore outsourcing of personal information in Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE : report to congressional committees. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-06-677 HUD homeownership programs data limitations constrain assessment of the American Dream Downpayment Initiative : report to congressional committees. 1